I just wanted to thank all those that have commented...
Both private and in the comments section, people have really said embarrassingly nice things about me.
While I can't promise the site will be back up to normal publishing, it will slowly start to have more new content. So please be patient. And thanks again for the warm thoughts.
It means a lot...
im glad your back and am anxious to hear from you ive been checking daily for updates the passed couple of years keep it up!!
Thanks for all the fantastic posts over the years. I'm very appreciative of the effort your volunteer reporting takes. You have an excellent combination of insider information, engaging opinions and winsome writing that makes your blog my favorite. During Blue Sky's winter hibernation, I still eagerly checked for updates daily. Even you only able to manage an Al Lutz style schedule, we'll be happy to hear from you! Here's to an great 2012 for you and your blog!
So pleased about this news. Am always checking for updates to this fantastic blog. Looking forward to future updates. Glad all is okay with you.
Glad to see you're back Honor! I was getting worried a bit when you didn't post anything for New Years. How all is well and glad to hear you're okay! Cheers!
I too am grateful that you're doing well and that the blog is coming back. Thanks for the information you share with each posting. All the best!
Yay, so glad you are able to do some posting. You are one of my favorite blogs to read! Hope your issues and life situations calm down and work out okay for you. :)
So Glad that you are doing better. I Always look forward to reading your post. I too was checking daily for some sort of sign that everything was ok, As a long time reader of this blog, so glad that you are ok.
Thanks for all that you do! Reading your blog brightens up my day, looking forward to 2012 and beyond!
Glad you're on the mend, Honor. I've missed your posts and anxiously await your return. I appreciate your level-headnesness and excellent insights. Best wishes to you!
Glad to see this blog isn't dead after all. :)
Take your time.
We'll be here for your triumphant return!
Good to know you are fine, looking forward to your interesting posts in 2012.
BTW, HKDL just published its official 2010-11 financial results, guests numbers rose to 5.9 million. EBITDA is HK$506 million. Net loss is down to HK$276 million. Hotel occupancy is 91%.
So it is looking very good for more expansion.
I'm a lurker, but I just wanted to say how much I enjoy your blog and how much I look forward to a bright future for Blue Sky!
Glad to hear from you, I was getting a little worried but understand completely
Glad to hear you are back, hope things only improve from here on up :-)
Thanks for the updates. Love to read your posts!
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