Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Dark World Of Television...

There seems to be a lot of collusion in the Marvel Cinematic Universe...

While DC Entertainment seems to be still struggling to make their plans solidify, Mighty Marvel marches on.  The newly started DC Cinematic Universe will extend only to films, while their television shows both animated and live-action are two other separate worlds. Marvel Studios on the other hand, seems to be including most of their live-action as one whole universe. While letting the animation department be its own world, it too though has influences with the MCU.

Many of you saw the announcement that an upcoming episode of "Agents of Shield" will tie in directly to the latest Marvel Studios film, "Thor: The Dark World".  This also stands to reason that the upcoming Marvel Studios film, "Captain America: Winter Soldier" will also play an important role in the series should AOS get a green light for a season two.  Even more so when "Avengers: Age of Ultron" rages across the screen.  It turns out it was a good thing making Marvel's first series a part of the MCU. Or maybe it was just unbelievable luck? Either way, there appears to be a lot more of it coming down the line.

With the monstrous deal signed with Netflix, Disney has placed on Marvel into an even broader playing field with even more platforms to distribute their brand.  And the shows appear to be connected to the main universe as well. Which means, we might see crossovers with other shows and possibly even additional movies.  It appears they've adapted a strategy for television similar to their successful film plan.  While Marvel Studios started out with Ironman and built up various characters until they had a group that could form the Avengers, these television heroes are each building until they become a group of their own, "The Defenders".  Television-sized of course.

Starting off first with Daredevil, then Luke Cage, Iron Fist and ultimately Jessica Jones, these grittier heroes will embark upon an area of the Marvel Universe not seen so far.  It will also be the introduction of Marvel's first superhero characters with secret identities. Something that the films avoided so far.  Unlike DC with their "Arrow" series, their "Flash" spin-off series, or their upcoming Hour Man show, these characters will be in the same universe as The Mighty Thor and The First Avenger.  There might even be a tie-in/crossover with Agents of Shield.  Although that could prove difficult since the AOS series is designed as a family show, and these four series (+miniseries) will be of at least a slightly more mature content than offerings on networks.  It's an exciting time right now for Marvel fans, comic book fans, and geeks in general.

It's hard for a DC Guy like myself to say, but Marvel really is doing a pounding on the former National Periodicals right now...

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