Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Michael Bay To Direct "Prince Of Persia" For Disney...

It appears that Jerry Bruckheimer may have bagged the director he wants to direct his next big summer extravaganza... He hasn't signed on the dotted line, but Michael Bay is in preliminary negotiations to direct "Prince of Persia: Sands of Time" for Walt Disney Pictures(hat tip: IESB.net).

Naturally, Bruckheimer and Bay have a long relationship and it makes sense that this type of project would be an obvious continuation of it. While the original release date was going to be the holidays 2008, the envolvement of Bay has pushed back the likely realease date to Summer 2009. Bruckheimer will produce for Bay with a script by Jordan Mechner and Jeffrey Nachmanof. No cast or other crew has been announced for the coming blockbuster.

Another large, expensive production that Disney is lauching to create another franchise now that the Pirates series is winding down. Interesting stuff, eh?

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