I can't wait to see this when it's released in the fall... possibly with Enchanted maybe? The poster for it is retro 50's check it out...

Hopefully the Studio will ramp up and do two to four of these a year... they already have six in production so I hope at least a couple of those will come out every year. I also want the other originals (Mickey, Donald and Pluto) to appear in shorts too... I would relish the chance to see Donald staring in another short!
The six in production are:
"How to hook up your Home Theater" staring Goofy, directed by Kevin Deters and Stevie Wermers.
"Golgo’s Guest" about a lonely Russian frontier guard and his encounter with a space alien, directed by Chris Williams(this is the project that landed him directing American Dog).
"Prep And Landing" the Christmas tale of two inept Elves readying a house for Santa’s visit.
"The Ballad Of Nessie" which is a stylized account of the origin of the famous Loch Ness monster.
And two other unnamed shorts that are currently working their way through the pipeline, one of which is just starting production.
I can't wait to see them all. How about you?
I love Goofy! I can't wait to see it!
Enough with all the old characters. Can't they create new ones for their shorts? Why do cartoons always have to be about these tired relics from the 20's and 30's anyway.
Pooper Scooper,
if you don't like the characters fine. But they are at their core, Disney. If you don't like them, you don't like Disney. So I have to ask... why are you here?
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