Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Meanwhile, Back On Mars...


There hasn't been a lot of new information about Walt Disney Pictures':"John Carter of Mars" lately...

But the MTV Movie Blog has an interview with director Andrew Stanton where he sheds a little light on the process and makes you wonder when we're going to see that first teaser for the film.  My bet is sometime in the fall, close to Thanksgiving we'll get a teaser of it with some form of a trailer released near Christmas.

Barsoom is a world I've wanted to see since I was a child so I guess I can wait another year...


Doopey said...

The film has been so under the radar I'm afraid Thanksgiving will be too late to start building awareness. I'm hoping we'll start to see something this summer -- teaser posters, still shots, anything.

Jason DeMars said...

You really think the first trailer will come in the fall?

I was hoping with release date bump up to March 9th would've meant a trailer this summer.

perfectly flawed said...

.. I'd bet we'd see something at Comic Con this summer..

Tars Tarkus said...

This has FAIL written all over it.

Animated Response said...

Yeah, I'm glad you've seen it so you can make that judgment.

Of course, you probably thought The Dark Knight was going to be lame as well.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for this film!

Id expect to are some sort of teaser with the final Harry potter film, and a full trailer in the fall.

Just my guess.

Anonymous said...

I just hope the marketing department is smart enough to keep this looking as different enough from avatar as they can. The comparisons will be there but the further they stray away from any comparison in story or look/feel will help.

The worst thing for this film is all the avatar fans to call shenanigans against Disney for making something "too similar" to avatar.

And yes I know John Carter of mars is a classic story that has been in development hell since James Cameron was in diapers. It won't change the fact that plenty of uninformed film goers will and can destroy the film just for being relatively close to avatar. Even though avatar is clearly a rip off of Pocahontas. You never know with fan boys/girls.

Darrell said...

This movie certainly does not have FAIL written all over it. Anything that has Andrew Stanton fronting it cannot be bad. This guy did WALL-E, and it is the best animated movie ever made to date.

I'm looking forward to this movie a lot.

Tars Tarkus said...

Thanks for making my point for me, Darrell. I knew you'd come through for me.

Doopey said...


Seriously, why are you so sure it will fail? Is it just because Stanton comes from animation? Yeah, Finding Nemo and Wall-E are "cartoons". They also happen to be two of the most critically acclaimed movies of the last ten years. John Carter of Mars is not a "rush job" movie that Disney is pushing out to make a release date and a buck. Stanton has been working on it for almost 3 years now. Why don't you give it a chance before you rush to judgment?

Anonymous said...

"And yes I know John Carter of mars is a classic story that has been in development hell since James Cameron was in diapers. It won't change the fact that plenty of uninformed film goers will and can destroy the film just for being relatively close to avatar. Even though avatar is clearly a rip off of Pocahontas. You never know with fan boys/girls."

Well, when you look at the description, It seems more obvious that Avatar was based on John Carter of Mars. Any attempted association to Pocahontas is a diversion at best.