Sunday, January 14, 2007

The Shortest, "Most" Beautiful Display...

If you've read through this blog then you've seen my "Most" post as I call them. Where I basically give my opinions on some of what I feel are the best detailed parts of this Disney world of ours.

This picture is from a display near the hub of the castle in Disneyland Paris that was called "Magical Christmas Tree Forest".

Breathtaking, don't ya think?

Sadly, it is gone. It was only on display there for ONE year. 2001.

If you'd like to know more about past Christmas seasons at Disneyland's European cousin then I suggest you go over to "" and check out their section on Christmas. They have lots of great pics over there to go along with this one.

Well start posting a little more after Jack kicks some more terrorist butt tomorrow night on "24". See ya!

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