A teaser poster for WDAS's "Winnie the Pooh" is out...
Minimalist, ain't it? Not bad since there is no reason to show much being as almost everyone knows who the silly ole' bear is. Enjoy this hand-drawn creation when it comes out this summer. It'll be the last film from Disney Animation till 2013 and probably the last hand-drawn till 2014/15.
Next year will be a lull in production as the Mouse switches gears into a different direction and adjusts from a lack of development projects. Don't worry, it now has several films that are being worked on, but this is the result of a lean period of projects that got put into turn around or were delayed, retooled or outright canceled.
See what happens when development lags? After next year, "Reboot Ralph," "King of the Elves," "Mort," and a couple "Untitled" projects are in the works. But it's amazing where we are compared with Pre-Tangled.
Success has a way of brightening up the road ahead...
This is most likely the poster for European dates in April and May. In North America, Disney has arranged to release it the same day as Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 3d.
Oh Pooh indeed.
Yeah, I hope Pooh gets pushed up a week. Nothing can be worse than going up against HP7. NOTHING! Move it up a week or push it back a week. Anything to help out this film. It's not even a huge production. What's the budget? 50 million?
Honor, is King of the Elves coming out December 2012? Won't that be competing with the Pixar film coming out in November?
And won't Pooh be competing with Cars 2 a little bit? They're released within a month of each other!
Does anyone else know?
I gotta take a pooh.
"Honor, is King of the Elves coming out December 2012? Won't that be competing with the Pixar film coming out in November?"
Like Honor said, there is no WDAS film coming out in 2012. Not unless they change release dates and move into overdrive on some of those productions. Both of which are highly unlikely.
"What's the budget? 50 million?"
Actually, unless there is a need for more, it shouldn't be above forty million. Even going up against Potter, it should be highly profitable. The film needs to make nowhere near the money Tangled or TPATF had to make. If Pooh makes anywhere near what they made it'll all be gravy for the Company's shareholders.
Pooh's budget is only 35 million. Thank god, because if it was any higher they wouldn't stand a chance in making a profit. Not only such a film can be appealling just to pre-schoolers hence have a very limited target group, but it has to "compete" with the last Harry Potter as well.
I love it :)
Saw the Cars 2 poster first and thought "ok, that's nice", but I L-O-V-E this one, wheeha, another hand drawn animated feature in cinema's, whoohoo!
Hmm, maybe Reboot Ralph or Mort will be good...
I'm wondering if this movie is mostly just a bunch of flashbacks.
If you mean that Pooh will be a bunch of flashbacks? No. It's based on five original short stories that A.A. Milne wrote about the bear. Disney didn't film all of the stories as there are many that the famed author wrote.
And no, this isn't going to be one of those video films like The Tigger Movie.
People, don't forget that this Pooh movie is only the 2nd being made by feature animation, the other ones have been made by ToonDisney Studios and other crappy departments... (sorry ;-) )
I love that the title is just "Winnie the Pooh", nothing more, nothing less. And I guess that is what we're gonna get, just Pooh :)
Well I'm not entirely sure that this is going to be the typical Pooh movie that we've seen more recently, like The Tigger Movie, or Pooh's Heffalump Movie. This one seems more like a compilation of stories from House at Pooh Corner (and more), based on what little I know about it. Remember that I'm not interested in it (unlike the other people here), so I don't know too much about it.
Either that or this plot is going to be mixing up several stories from HaPC together. I have no idea.
I'm starting to warm up to the idea of Pooh going against Deathly Hallows. Parents with young children will probably flock to Pooh, as I hear DH is too scary for little kids. I think it might actually play well with the under 10 crowd.
If only Disney could get more films made with low budgets (but the quality audiences expect), they wouldn't have to pray on their knees for every film to be a monster hit...
Yes, kids 1-12 will flock to the theaters with their parents. Everyone else (that aren't parents) will be seeing DH. Including me. I'm actually going to try and get a midnight showing for DH.
I will see this movie despite the poster. It's horrible.
It's snarky and looks like Dreamworks proposed it for one of their "lesser" films.
If it had Piglet looking worried at Pooh instead of the audience and if it implied that Piglet was saying "Oh, d-d-d-dear" instead of slying swearing kid style with a wink, again, at the audience, it would be perfect.
Does anyone have any idea of the budget for Piglet and Tigger and the other Pooh movies not made by WDFA?
I hope this will be "old skool" Pooh, with a few short stories!
As someone stated earlier, it consist of 5 short stories taken from original A.A. Milne stories...
It's supposed to be a follow up to the original.
Just pretend you never saw any of those straight to video ones...
Hello there! I like the poster... very simple yet the message is so clear. My kids just love Winnie the Pooh and friends. And their adventures in the 100 Acre Wood are so catching to my kids and believe it or not my kids love honey because of Pooh.
I don't know why everyone is so convinced Pooh can't perform well against Harry Potter with anyone but the "under 10 crowd". Tangled wasn't released the same day as the last one, granted, but it was only a week apart and is performing well above expectations. Who's to say a movie that plays at nostalgia while also being new (much like Toy Story 3) and comical yet heartwarming can't succeed with everyone despite its tough competition?
Anonymous #5: Whatever happens, even if Pooh gets a decent amount of money (which I doubt, considering that the last couple ones haven't done very well), it won't beat Harry Potter at the box office. You don't understand, do you? THIS IS THE GRAND FINALE FOR THE HARRY POTTER SERIES, BOTH BOOK AND FILM!! What kind of HP fan wouldn't go to see this finale? *uses an Imperius curse to make everyone commenting on this blog say, "I have no idea"*
I understand that this is also going to (probably) be the last film in the Pooh franchise. And that there are people that are plenty more interested than I am. But this isn't one of the books somewhere in the middle, like Prisoner of Azkaban! It's the finale!
"Just pretend you never saw any of those straight to video ones..."
I'm doing pretty well at that ;) The only sequels in my dvd collection are Fantasia/2000 and the Rescuers Down Under ;-)
Why is everyone talking about Harry Potter?! People can see 2 movies in 1 weekend, right? And I think no-one is expecting Pooh to "win" from Harry... And all this "battle" can bring, is free publicity "Pooh against Harry" in the media will be so good for Disney!
Not to mention that if potter gets really dark for the kids or the tickets get compleatly sold out and falls apart in the second weekend like all Potter films and with good word of mouth, i think that will benefit Pooh in the long term.
I will be seeing Harry Potter and Pooh the same day
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