And so another grain of sand slips through the hour glass...
We now welcome the second year of the second decade of the Twenty-first century. Don't just sit there, life is passing you by. Go out and do something!
From all of us here at Blue Sky Disney, to you and your family and friends, Happy New Year! May 2011 bring you much happiness, greater wealth and good health.
And don't forget those resolutions...
You too Honor!
The only resolution I made was to check my favorite blogs daily! Heppy New Year to you and thank you for entertaining me!
2011 is actually the first year of the second decade of the 21st century. The 21st century didn't start until 2001. Look it up... I'm serious. 2000 was the last year of the last century.
I knew when I wrote that someone would write in saying it's wrong...
It's not.
Centuries begin on the first year of that century(19th century 1801, 20th century 1901, ect.), but decades DO NOT.
Decades begin on the year of that the first number actually begins on (80-89 = 80's, 90-99 = 90's, ect.).
Centuries and decades don't end the same, many people confuse this and think that because a century starts on a one that decades do as well. This is not the case...
Although I have a feeling you will disagree with everything I am about to type, I do feel an obligation as a historian to educate. If you researched the following, you would find I am accurate in my following statements.
You are confusing pop culture references of groupings of 10 years for actual depictions of time. While saying "the 70s", "the 80s", etc... is a pop culture reference to a group of 10 subsequent years, it does not accurately depict what a true decade is.
Our calendar goes from 1BC to 1AD and then continues, without a year zero. The numbering of years wasn't proposed until the 16th century. At that time, concept of "zero" wasn't even considered - which started everything at "1" on our current number system. This affects centuries and decades. The first decade (AD) was 1-10, the second decade was 11-20 and so on. Coming into 2011, we have just entered the 201st decade.
This is based on the convention of time that western society follows. Other calendars put us in other centuries, decades or even different starts of years, etc.
By your own admission, though, you agree that the 21st century started with 2001. I am simply stating that if you are going to follow that logic in our current number based system, you should be following the same logic for decades.
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