We've all wondered what it would be like to be John Lasseter...
Now Walt Disney Studios and the man himself give you the chance to follow him from the time he wakes up until he leaves work on a particular day. It's really a very interesting look at a very busy man, and how he runs his life. Running two studios and being the chief creative advisor to another division must be daunting. Having six iPads to manage it must help.
Take a look and enjoy for yourself...
Looks tiring, but also a lot of fun.
And lots of hugs.
Maybe John can use his clout and convince Iger and company not to go forward with exploring the rumored possibility of selling the parks and resort division to China or anyone else.
Very cool life....
Now, how about a day at Imagineering and a day at the Disney Studio.
This is nothing but a 30 minute commercial for Cars 2. Once again Disney is mis-allocating resources to their marketing department to cover-up the inadequecies of their other properties. Additionally, it is no wonder that WDI and the parks are still disfunctional and decaying. It would appear that he is spending all of his time on his toys and little pet Pixar projects instead of cleaning house of the Wall Street-type scumbags that are lingering from the backwards Eisner years at TWDC.
I mean, Meg Crofton... really?... seriously???
Anonymous #1, the parks and resorts are NOT being sold off. That was nothing more than just a false rumor that happened to gain momentum when it shouldn't have.
Anonymous #2, you're completely wrong and you know it.
Anonymous #4,
I think (hope) you're referring to Anonymous #3, NOT #2. I don't think I said anything that was wrong.
Anonymous #2
Did anyone else get a little queasy watching this ? Is it just me or does J.L. seem to be just a little bit condescending in his tone on everything he talks about ? I've noticed that for a while now , whenever he does promo pieces, it's like he doesn't believe in what he's saying , like he knows he's sold out and is just doing marketing. The insincerity shows through. He didn't used to come across like that.
(and he works out in his home gym every morning ?! Oh, really ... Who knew ? Um, well, maybe that's a recent development. Good for him.)
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