One of many to come international posters for "Cars 2" is out...
And it's a steal for only 52 payments at the low, low price of- wait. Sorry, I got carried away there for a second. Look for this film to do gangbusters come summer and blow away the take that the original came up with. There are a lot of boys that love this Pixar film that were just babes when the original came out. There's also a nice character banner for us Americans as well.
Now that John is done with this film he can get back to guiding the animators in the Hat Building, where he hasn't been seen near enough of late...
Hat Tip to Collider.
You suck Honor, you pretentious piece of crap.
It ain't?
How can you be so sure? How would you know? Are you inside of Lasseter's and Catmull's minds?
Stop kissing Pixar's ass, they have had mediocre films in the past. Ratouille? Cars? And yes, they are selling out by having more sequels. Monsters Inc. 2? The ending to the first one wasn't good enough? There's nowhere to go but make up a pathetic reason to have a sequel or even worse a prequel. What? Mike and Sully are sad because Boo grows up and forgets about them? Sounds a lot like Toy Story 3 huh? You complete tool.
Pixar is selling out with the sequels. Whatever happened to it's great originality? Gone are Pixar's golden age. I knew it well. John Lasseter is sinking Pixar just like he can't save Disney. Will somebody help him out? He is only one man.
That was way harsh, Tai!
Why waste the time of screening posts if you allow stuff like that? Why?
Anyways... this does not really grab me... but hey... I felt meh about toy story 3 and it was fantastic. One thing I know I'll miss is the Route 66 aspect that was the heart and soul of the 1st one...
Monsters Inc. 2 I simply can not figure out. Where can the story line go? The way I see it, it'll be a horror thriller. Boo has grown up and been placed in an insane asylum due to her nonsensical ravings about her adventures in the monster world. She stews in the asylum planning growing more insane and hateful of the monsters as they enjoy a time of peace and prosperity in their world. The movie kicks into high gear when Boo escapes and ventures into the monster world to seek her revenge on Mike and Sully for destroying her life!
Monsters Inc. 2: Boo's Revenge
Wow, you mean this anonymous troll has a name? That was uncalled for, dude. Not cool. You can hate Pixar all you want but it's Honor's blog and he happens to enjoy it as a recreational hobby. Leave the guy alone. There are many of us who appreciate the news Honor posts and reading his thoughtful editorials. Why ruin it for everyone by being a troll? Is that the only satisfaction you can get out of life for all those years as a child you got bullied and beat up on the playground? You must live a sad and lonely life to hide behind a keyboard and feel so empowered to be so spiteful towards others on the internet but I have no pity for you. People like you just suck.
Way too harsh. Anonymous, you are completely wrong. Honor doesn't suck. Cars and Ratatouille aren't mediocre. And Pixar know what they're doing when they make sequels. John Lasseter has said that they'll only make sequels if they come up with a story as good as or better than the original.
Has Anton Ego come to Blue Sky Disney?
"Why waste the time of screening posts if you allow stuff like that? Why?"
I wasn't going to post it, but the more I read it, the funnier it seemed. So I let this one through...
Good golly, Honor, you thought it was *funny?* Holy crap! Seems like your sense of humor is a little over-board. But you *still* don't suck.
@ Anonymous#1. Ratatouille was deffo NOT mediocre, maybe in your opinion...
btw, stop talking about about Pixar, have you seen Cars 2 already? or Monsters Inc 2? NO, am I right?
Hope you're not such a negative person in real life... jeezz, lol, lighten up :S
At least Spokker has tact.
"Good golly, Honor, you thought it was *funny?*"
In a sad and pathetic way, yeah. It was...
So, Anonymous, just because they're making sequels, they're automatically dry on creativity? By such anti-sequel standards, no comic book series should have more than one issue.
And you obviously never saw Tangled. Or Bolt. Those are both good movies and the forme is great! and *finally* some good dtvs in Tinkerbell. Seriously, Lasseter and Catmull have made some major improvements only hindered by mediocre business practices.
Well we don't have to worry. Our friendly animators over there at the TAG Blog assured us that John made sure that Cars 2 would be good. He even flew all the way to Vancouver to do some last minute "tweaking" for the film.
Who said Lasseter is done with the film? When they fired the other director and Lasseter took over last year, I bet they pulled another Toys Story 2. That would mean he's got another 5 months on the film.
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