Michael Chabon, famed novelist and sometimes screenwriter has now become the official scribe on Disney's big, new high concept film...
Let's hope it turns out to be closer to "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" for Disney than "Space Jam" turned out for Warner Bros. I certainly don't want it to turn into that film; nothing would be sadder than seeing a huge waste of animators, film makers and actors on a project that turns out being so big, and yet storywise is only made of cardboard.
Chabon is a really good writer and I hope he pounds the keyboard constructing a great story that is befitting of some of the Mouse's most classic characters. That said, I'll hold my breath until I actually hear more about it. Favreau has went from making films for young boys, to making a film he wants for the entire family. Let us wish him well and cross our fingers that this doesn't turn into a fiasco of waisted talent, time and dreams.
I'm watching you Mr. Favreau...
I am really curious about this project. Honor, do you know something about how the classic characters will be animated? CG or hand drawn?
Or wasted spellcheck...
Can't wait to see the film. Looking forward to seeing the Disney characters from Star Tours and Indiana Jones Adventure come to life on the big screen.
Honor: Is it true that "The Snow Queen" is again being developed at Disney? What happened to Glen Keane?
Thank You.
As long as it isn't like Looney Tunes Back to Action.
I'm not so sure about Chabon's writing skill.He has a habit of being too in love with his own words. He can let his word get in the way of the story telling. In Kavallier and Clay there is one section where he writes a page and a half to say "he walked across the room".
Favreau is a great choice, Micheal Chabon... I'm not sure.
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