On this day, Fifty-Three years ago, the ABC Television Network premieres a new television show by famed movie producer Walt Disney. It's a cue for the young network. Disney's new show is called "Disneyland" after the new theme park he is building down in the sleepy orange groves of a small southern California town named Anaheim.
The first episode draws almost 31 million people. During the episode, Disney tells the audience of his plans to build the park and opens up his studio for America to see. No one knows it yet, but today we would call such shows infomercials. But this is an incredibly entertaining one...
I just wish they would offer those shows on iTunes, or at least a full Treasures series.
Time for the good stuff!
Wouldn't it be great if they did a mini-series documentary of Walt Disney coming to California to promote the changes to DCA? They could push the perspective of the story they are using for the modifications. Just think how much more exciting it would be if people actually knew the details and understood the theming. Probably not the biggest TV ratings draw in the world, but still a nice idea. Maybe a Disnye channel special or something.
Well, there isn't much Disney on the Disney Channel anymore. That is too bad, because what most of us love about Disney, they never show anymore.
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