It appears that MTV Movie Blog talked to Joseph Kosinski about his follow up to "Tron Legacy" for Disney...
He gives some details as to what he wants to leave in and what he wants to discard from "The Black Hole" in the interview. Give it a read.
And yes, it's a remake/reboot not a sequel...
Kosinski is definitely taking the right approach making it more like 2001: A Space Odyssey in its cerebralness and keeping the science in the the science-fiction rather than the silly space-fantasy of the original. Glad that iconic robots like Maximillian will be preserved, as for V.I.N.C.E.N.T. he was a bit too kiddified so it will be interesting to see how they update him and Old B.O.B. I have to admit though the original film scared the hell out of me as a kid and that hellish ending is still just as cerebral as the ending of 2001. Not sure how they are going to pull that one off but I can't wait to see what they come up with. Keep us posted Honor.
Do you have any information on the moving of Cars 2 from summer 2011 to winter 2011?? Whats happening with Cars 2 and Bear and the Bow?? and Newt for that matter.
I hope they keep the original haunting score...absolutely one of my favorite elements of this film.
But I agree with Don't Care About Superman...when are you gonna comment on the WDI changes going on with the Anaheim parks?
I don't care for remakes but it's bound to be better than Avatar. I'm getting of people who say it's the best film ever made. Cameron is a hack, it's not an original story. SOmeone said to me, "I don't care about the story, I like the blue people." Wrong, story is everything. That's exactly what's wrong with today's moviegoers, they're ADD. People see this movie and they go, "hehehe preeeetttttyyyyy." Dear God, spare me. It's terrible, the main character can't act, plus they were thinking of nominating Zoe for Best Actress. Why? Andy Serkis wasn't nominated for Best Actor, why should she? That's like nominating a voice actor for Best Picture. That's like electing the lincoln exhibit at Disneyland for President of the US. Cameron said that motion capture brings out the best in an actor, wrong gain. If I were someone like Daniel Day Lewis, I'd be insulted, the actor makes the performance, not a digital character. The best visual effects I've seen were for Lord of the Rings. Another thing, motion capture is not animation, it's cheating. Anywho, still need to see the original Black Hole, sounds interesting.
The original Black Hole is terrible, but sort of fascinating at the same time. A remake can really only improve it.
Anything to say about the WDW Summer Nightastic? That's come as a surprise for me. Not caught on to any hints either here or anywhere else for that matter.
So MSEP for MK.
New ToT Drop Sequences for DHS.
Magic, Music, Mayhem Fireworks for MK.
Finally, someone else thats bored of all this Avatar S..
I'll look forward to Black Hole when the time comes that they show us something from it though.
But as I'm looking forwards to Tron: Legacy then i see no reason why this shouldn't interest me the same way.
It;s a different Disney nowadays. Of course in some ways bad, but others it is diffinately an advantage that we aren't 20 years ago.
As much as I think both Avatar and 3D is still a gimmicky trend I think The Black Hole and Tron Legacy have great potential to be exhibited in 3D. Imagine being engulfed into the event horizon. Talk about immersive. I am much more intrigued by what Kosinski has been cooking for these films than the cartoonish Blue Man Group that inhabit the world of Pandora.
Why the HELL is Disney working on all this retro crap???? Black Hole, Tron, the Muppets...is everybody up at the Mouse House in their second freaking childhood???
None of the above projects interests me in the least. In fact, I find them repellent. I have a feeling that, after viewing Alice, I'll be done with Disney for a while.
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