So Walt Disney Pictures name dropping (literally) of the "Rapunzel" moniker to "Tangled" has now yielded a logo for the new animated film...
It's done in the same style as the old logo, only with fresh new emphasis on males! Yeah...
Seriously though, I wish this film as much success as it can get. From what I've heard about the screenings so far it may be quite a surprise. The scenes that have been rendered are said to look stunning.
Let's hope the box office for the pic is stunning as well...
At first I thought this was off, but now, I think it was brilliant. Bottom line, we all want to see this film do GREAT and if this one-word-name change ups the box office, then more power to Rapunzel! Er.... Tangled!!
Am I the only one bugged by the change in the branding from "Walt Disney Pictures" or "Disney's" to just plain "Disney"? Reminds me too much of Mattel and seems gramatically stilted.
This is the film that supposedly uses a new animation process isn't it? Some sort of 2D hand drawn imagery animated in 3D?
Why isn't "Walt Disney Pictures" up there on top?
Just Disney is boring. Not as professional looking. Will that change?
Wonder what Floyd thinks of the new name?
i think the new name can only hurt the film.. casual film-goers won't know what it's about, unless they see the trailer.. then they'll know it's about Rapunzel which I thought they didn't want people to know...... this really makes no scense
As long as the story is good I could care less what the title is....Or what animation medium is used.
A "good" title does not make a movie a success. Its the story. And I don't care if anyone scoffs at that, its the truth in the long-run.
Story IS king.
Just because a film does phenomenal business at the box office does not necessarily mean that it has a good story,
and just because a film doesn't do as well as hoped at the box office does not necessarily mean that it has a bad story.
Also..This is not necessarily related, but I just want to say that I enjoyed both Bolt and The Princess and the Frog very much.
I do enjoy the fairy tales but I do hope that Disney does more original stories in the future. I think that would be interesting to see. :)
Having said that; bring on the miles of hair!
The "Disney" branding does not make grammatical sense to me as well. It sounds awkward, horrible marketing continues..
Disney isn't Walt's company any more. Corporate suits with no taste, no guts and no vision run it now. That's why Walt's name has been dropped from the film's logo. Just as well. He'd have a fit over the crap that's going on up there now. Would Walt buy Spiderman or Kermit the frog? HELL NO. Any loyalty I once felt for the Disney company is long gone. I will not be going to see Tangled.
Any idea why Imagemovers is moving off the Disney lot? This was their last week from what I understand.
Get over it. I'm excited for this movie name or no name. Just say Disney Animation and I'm there.
So excited, and I cannot wait to see it. My girl and I will be there opening day for sure and once more, so excited!
bytheway, any word on when we're supposed to get a trailer for our next Disney Animated Film?
The new name is stupid. Disney WAS about adaptions of classical fairy tales. "Rapunzel" is a classic story. For foreign countries, they can change the title to fit their their understanding of the story, but for Americans, we are familiar with the story and name and now they screwed it up.
I see how the font looks kind of weathered a bit, which totally says "testosterone" to me. The movie probably has something to do with pirates, I bet!
The "Disney" up there does sound more like a brand name than the fuller and more elegant "Walt Disney Pictures", though the latter is just as much a brand name. I can't say I care for it myself.
The change in labeling has been bothering me for a long time. I first noticed it with "Old Dogs" and "PatF" and then with "Alice" and "Tron" and now "Tangled". Using the "Disney" label only makes it look like just a product. Terrible. And the name change from "Rapunzel" to "Tangled" is just an awful example of overreacting and learning the wrong lessons post-PatF. Hope the movie is great though.
I think the bigger question is will this movie get "tangled" between a Wizard and CGI'd superheroes? We shall see in November..
My theory? Glad you asked. Whether it's the title of the movie or the new moniker, "Disney" marketing feverishly attempts to follow the culture and respond to it (i.e., second guess it), hence the hip and quick in both. Walt Disney, on the other hand, created culture and moved the masses. There is a sign of hope, though. Despite the silly title, I'm guessing the film itself is going to do the latter.
Disney has coughed up a hairball.
Have you seen the work in progress trailer that Disney is testing with the Tangled moniker? It looks pretty dreadful. The tagline: Rinse. Rescue. Repeat.
Now, for me, the name change is kind of moot issue, as this looks less like a classic fairy tale and more like Disney's Adventures of the Gummi Bears. Hope fades.
I wonder if the dropping Walt from the name is simply a financial issue. I know that for years and years Walt's family got royalties for use of his image and name, and I wonder if the Complany is looking to phase that out. I could be totally wrong, and of course there are plenty of instances where they may still opt to use "Walt Disney" in a title, but if it's cheaper and legally easier to just say "Disney" that may be why it's being used more often.
I think it's ironic that as a consequence of another animated princes films "failure" they get so wrapped up in the name of the project. The creative process at the Walt Disney Studios truly is "Tangled"
Anonymous said...
“I wonder if the dropping Walt from the name is simply a financial issue. I know that for years and years Walt's family got royalties for use of his image and name, and I wonder if the Complany is looking to phase that out. I could be totally wrong, and of course there are plenty of instances where they may still opt to use "Walt Disney" in a title, but if it's cheaper and legally easier to just say "Disney" that may be why it's being used more often.”
It seems to be just another example of the “genericising” of the Disney Conglomerate overall. They recently removed all the division specific Mickey logos in favor of a bland corporate generic Mickey for all.
I can’t conceive why they feel that they need to make Disney so bland overall. It’s the uniqueness of the company that makes it stand out from ALL OTHER COMPANIES.
Imagemovers was never on the lot. They are located in Marin.
The trailer that was leaked is not the official teaser trailer.
no, the trailer that was leaked was the official trailer which will run with toy story, or so I understand. The official teaser trailer just leaked and it's phenomenal! Even though it's short and only shows us zooming into Rapunzel's tower intercut with title cards as we hear quotes from several characters in the movie. It's suspensefull, mysterious, and has that sense of a great Disney classic fairytale!
What's even more surprising is that the teaser does not include a title card, the name is nowhere mentioned. Possibly because the teaser had to be finished in time for the PatF DVD to be printed, while there was still a debate on what would be the final title for the movie.
You can view the teaser trailer here: http://www.disneylicious.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=705
The shot zooming in on the tower is a pre-teaser for the Princess and the Frog DVD. The leaked trailer was for test marketing only. The trailer that will appear with Toy Story 3 is different.
Yeup. The trailer that got leaked was an early trailer, not the final one. All those dumb tag lines and the pop music is getting re-worked.
But no promises that they wont get worked back in. Marketing carries a big dumb stick at Disney, despite the filmmakers themselves recognizing just how stupid the trailer is.
Fear not, the movie is great. I just think its a shame we have to defend the movie in SPITE of the trailer.
I don't have a problem with the name change. I had a connection with the other fairy tales even before they were animated by Disney... The Little Mermaid, Beauty & the Beast, Aladdin. While Rapunzel was always a story I knew, it wasn't one that I had a connection with, kind of like Rumplestiltskin. I think the name change is fine if it will allow people to have a connection with the film.
The issue I have is with the new logo. I understand that it is supposed to be reaching boys... fine. It has a very different look than Tarzan, but that is the feeling I get from the logo. It's great that they want to do an adventure, just don't make it feel like one we've already seen.
I don't get the complaints about the new logo. It's exactly the same as the old logo except that they changed the name from "Rapunzel" to "Tangled", and they changed "Walt Disney Pictures" to just "Disney". Here's the old logo: http://s293811491.onlinehome.us/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/Rapunzel-6.png
I wonder if the dropping Walt from the name is simply a financial issue. I know that for years and years Walt's family got royalties for use of his image and name, and I wonder if the Complany is looking to phase that out. I could be totally wrong, and of course there are plenty of instances where they may still opt to use "Walt Disney" in a title, but if it's cheaper and legally easier to just say "Disney" that may be why it's being used more often.
I just wanted to reiterate this comment for the cynics who missed it.
And to the Anonymous who once again slammed the Muppet and Marvel acquisitions...SHUT THE HELL UP ALREADY!!!
Honor Hunter, if you're out there, please reassure that the company is still in good hands under Bob Iger, John Lassetter, et al.
The cynics must be silenced immediately!
It is an awful title. It just shows that Disney marketing thinks kids and young teenagers are idiots that only like comedy or that boys are really that sexist. I hate the title. I hope they change it back. Where's the petition, I need to sign it. What is Lasseter doing? I thought he had final say on everything that is happening in the animation department? Does anyone know what happened and when it occurred? I think the new title and teaser were awful. I thought Lasseter hated contemporary jokes? Terrible.
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