No, I'm not talking about me...
I know some of you accuse me of that from time to time, but I'm talking about John Lasseter of course. One has only to meet him to know that his positive attitude is infectious and it's very difficult to not like the guy.
Over at Ain't It Cool News, Quint was lucky enough to shadow Lasseter around Walt Disney Animation Studios as the Mousetro did his daily routine. He was able to write about it in his latest post... a very good read indeed.
That whole American Dog thing gets me though.
It was a mess. I saw it. Just because it had cute designs wouldn't mean it would be a great story. It was in horrible shape. John knew that. Sadly, Chris didn't and that's why he's gone. You should thank John for turning what would have been a disaster into a very touching story. It's tons better than the many versions Chris turned in. Although I'm not a fan of the character designs I do like the story.
Is Chris Sanders working on a project at Dreamworks? If that's the case then we'll just have to contrast and compare when both films are released. Then we'll know who was right and who was wrong.
I love articles like this that really get into the nuts and bolts of how to make a film. The idea that changing shots, no matter how small, can help strengthen the picture is really fascinating.
It's hard to believe David Stainton was once giving those notes.
It's hard to believe David Stainton was even in charge over there... The last decade of Eisner's tenure he made some incredibly bad decisions putting people in charge of things.
Chris Sanders is working on Crood Awakening, a rewrite of an Aardman project that was originally penned by John Cleese.
By the way, comparing and contrasting Bolt to Crood Awakenings will not tell who's right and whose wrong. The only way to tell that would be to compare American Dog made by Disney to Bolt made by Disney.
Crood Awakenings being a success does not mean that American Dog would have been. Crude Awakenings being a huge failure does not mean that American Dog was destined for failure. Whatever happens to Crood Awakenings is a result of the people and processes at Dreamworks in making that movie, and that movie alone.
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