Just a note that is only tangentially Disney related, but specifically "The Dark Knight" related...
I've heard some people in the industry who have talked about what villain was/should be in the sequel to the humongous hit that is the latest Batman film. Many have talked about the Riddler, Penguin and the Catwoman as primary villains for Christian Bale's Batman/Bruce Wayne to battle.
If you're in the know in the industry out here, you'll remember that for a while it was rumored that Philip Seymour Hoffman was rumored to be playing the Penguin(great idea, btw). It never panned out, of course. Lately some casting people are talking about the obvious choice of Angelina Jolie to play the feline felon in a possible third film, but now comes the juiciest rumor of all...
Johnny Depp as the Riddler.
Now that's a battle I'd love to see... John Connor versus Jack Sparrow? Count me in... can't you just picture Depp in that green suit and bowler cap?
Riddle me, hoping this rumor comes true...
I'd like to see that as well. The only hint I took away from The Dark Knight was when Fox was discussing the new armor holding up against dogs and he said something like "it should do just fine against cats."
Maybe it's possible we get another 2 for 1 movie on the villains.
Johnny Depp would be friggin' amazing as Edward Nigma. I hope this comes to pass.
Nolan has already said publically that he doesn't like the Penguin. The riddler I could see but I doubt we'd be seeing the bright green question mark suit.
Villains in Nolan's Batman are darker, grittier and much more realistic- sort of. Its a complete 180 degree turn away from the camp we've been getting since the 60s. You needn't look farther than the Dark Knight's depiction of the Joker- and ESPECIALLY Two Face- to see that.
I think Catwoman could work though- especially since we need a new romantic interest for Bruce Wayne. We're also going to have to deal with a Gotham that has no white knight to stand behind and no longer idolizes Batman, or so Dark Knight would seem to say.
I should mention, Riddler IS my favorite Batman villain (though the Joker has edged up with Heath Ledger's new interpretation- he was always the classic Batman villain but especially now). I wasn't a fan of the Jim Carrey camp version- even though I do like Jim Carrey. Actually I didn't like Batman Forever period, though I did like somewhat Two Face, even though Aaron Eckhart's version completely blows that out of the water.
I don't see him wearing the leotard, c33...
But a dark green three-piece with a bowler hat is quite appropriate for Nolan's version. That would work in the real world.
Johnny Depp would just play the same Johnny Depp we've seen over and over.
I hope they don't kill or never bring back the Joker. He's batmans greatest foe and they've set that precedent with Rachel Dawes. They easily could have cut it so the Joker fell off that tower if they really wanted to put the kibosh on him in some silly reverence of that great performance.
Dream match up: Go all Frank Miller and pit the Dark Knight against his true enemy, Superman. Batman could spend the first act of the film securing Gotham all over again, working out of the shadows and falling more into the urban legend of the City. Then Supes could come in and try to take charge, condemning the Bat's tactics.
Does it need to be a trilogy? I'm going to be in the minority here, but I don't want another Batman movie. For me The Dark Knight was as close to perfect as a movie can get, I don't think a third film would live up.
Oh God please! That sounds amazing!
Ive actually heard David Tenant of the Doctor Who fame would like to take the role. And as for Catwoman id like to see Kate Beckinsale. And my idea for Penguin would be Bob Hoskins
I was just talking about this the other day, Johnny Depp was my first thought.
But some out-on-a-limb Riddler choices for me would be Matthew Fox or Paul Bettany.
I would love to see what JD could come up with though.
The should have the Joker in the sequel, but with the actor's part animated by PIXAR with / and / or Industrial Light Magic. (People who did the Pirates' animation).
Insult to his memory, etc and no. It's a tribute to the character he created I THINK. Plus it would be awesome to see the Joker in another movie.
No... it wouldn't.
It would be blasphemy...
I love the idea of Johnny Depp playing the Riddler, yet hate the idea of Angelina Jolie playing Catwoman. Angelina Jolie is very over rated in the looks department and I get tired of Hollywood going to her practically every time they want a female action star. Of course, the Catwoman could be rewritten to be a child abductor instead of a cat buglar and it would be kind of ironic if Angelina Jolie played her. No, I'm not calling Angelina Jolie a child abductor, it's a joke.
Willy Wonka fighting Batman? You've gotta be kidding me. That would be major suckage. The Candyman would get his @ss kicked.
I think that the Michael Emerson, aka Ben Linus from LOST, would be a perfect riddler.
I wouldn't like to see Depp playing Depp once again, I'm tired of his plain acting by now.
I'd rather have Nolan's version of Bane, i think that's the only way he can top the work done on The Dark Knight
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