Christmas at Tokyo DisneySEA is a magical place...
Truthfully, every Disney park is special this time of year. I personally love Disneyland's decorations and theming best. But there is something to be said about what goes on in Tokyo. While I like the Tokyo Disneyland's Christmas Fantasy theming, the decorations over at Tokyo DisneySEA are unique just like the park. I'm going to miss the Harborside Christmas that they've had going on over the past few years. That "Candlelight Reflections" is so beautiful to experience. Well this year the holiday theming and decorations are known as Christmas Wishes. In fact, the official website for it just went live the other day so go take a look at it. But be warned, it's in Japanese, but the graphics are puuuurty, and it gives you a sense of what it's going to be like.
For more information about the Christmas offerings head over to Joe in Japan's blog. He offers a lot of great info and some interesting details. Maybe you should book a trip to this special place?
If so, better get those gifts soon, it's just around the corner...
I soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo want to go there for this.
This place is AMAZING. Why can't the American parks look like this?
Oddly, I didn't really notice the Christmas theming at Disneysea when I went last November. There was a bit around Mediterranean Harbor and American Waterfront, but it didn't really migrate to the rest of the park (understandably, if they want to keep the themes consistent). Tokyo Disneyland, on the other hand, was pretty decked out.
Yes, they've slowly started to focus on it...
I expect you'll see it expand out into the other ports. Kind of the way Halloween did this year. Last year it was in the Mediterranean and American section and this year they added the Lost River Delta port. Even though they only started Halloween last year, it'll gradually get bigger.
Expect to see more Holiday cheer each year...
I was there last year and noticed the theming everywhere I went. It was more subtle than TDL, but it was of the same high quality. I'll really miss that Candlelight Reflections though.
I am not ashamed to steal someone's words: I soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo wanna go there!!!!
Speaking of Xmas events at the Disney parks...
Honor Hunter, please tell us when Walt Disney World is going to stop cutting back on its extremely popular holiday traditions and start bringing them back! LOTS of WDW's guests are already furious and upset over the absences of the Country Bear Christmas Special, the Lights of Winter, etc.--they must return ASAP!
And when will they start following suit with the other parks around the world by adding more to their holiday season line-up, including introducing East Coast versions of Haunted Mansion Holiday and It's a Small World Holiday?
(sigh) As usual, Honor Hunter dodges the above question, adding a bit of a dentriment to his credibility. :'(
Where do you get the impression that HH has dodged ANYTHING here? Just looking for something (anything) to bash him with????
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