I feared this would happen, but thought that the success of "Tangled" would have prevented it...
Apparently not.
Due to the continuing contraction of the economy and the Walt Disney Company's desire to restrain spending, cost cutting has finally entered the fabled heart of all that is Disney: Animation. The Hat Building is going to be closing. Pixar Animation Studios will be renamed Disney Animation Studios as the Burbank branch is closed and all animated features will be done from Northern California in Emeryville...
Slowly, over the next year the brand will be called Disney Pixar Animation Studious while the transition goes through and withing 36 months the naming will be known as Disney Animation Studios. In a statement released to the public, Iger mentioned that: "the resulting consolidation will inevitably result in layoffs, but the exact figure has yet to be determined. We hope to make the transition of all animation duties to our Emeryville campus as painless as possible, and will work to help those employees affected by the restructuring." A full break down of the entire plan would be forthcoming in the next few weeks, as the company transitioned into this current cost cutting phase before the ending of the final 2011 quarter.
I don't know what to say about this, I've never really thought that something like this would ever happen. The only think I can think to console anyone is...
Seriously freaked me out there for a bit. Good one though!
I hate you.
While reading this, I was thinking of mounting a class action against the Disney company.
After reading this, I think we should launch a class action against you!
Bad, bad, person that you are.
A noble effort, Honor. Not quite Disney turning the Crystal Cathedral into a DisneyMall, but a solid effort.
If I hadn't been inundated with a barrage of April Fools jokes already, I would have fallen for this. Good one.
Bad taste, not funny.
I for one knew that was not true almost immediately because we've had nothing to suggest so far this might happen... and I remembered it was April Fools.
I must admit, however, that when I first saw the headline of the post, I was horrified. Thank you for doing so, Honor.
You, sir, are a brat, LOL!!
For the first time in years k remember it's April Fools Day. But nice try.
I was genuinely worried there, you Honor, are a master of the April Fools Day joke! Kudos!
Ya had me going! Good one, because it seems like it could actually happen...:-)
Yea really bad taste, especially when things like this means peoples jobs and livelihoods. Not funny.
This was about as believable as Honor's predictions for a Lucasfilm/Disney merger.
You got me. You got me real good.
In my defense, this was the first joke that I'd stumbled across today, and it was early, AND the whole time I was thinking, "this isn't real, this can't be true, somebody passed along some misinformation, no no nonononono- oh."
Hahahaha, oh my God, I'm such a fool, I fooled everyone today and laughed, but I really HATED Disney when I read your article and was so angry, hahahahahahahaha!!!!
Sigh, what a relief this is a joke, but I feel a littlebit foolish to believe it :D
Well that was just mean. :)
April Fools indeed, but reads like it could happen. Pretty close to the mark , I'd say.
Well played, way more convincing than Miceage.
I bet there have been meetings discussing the option though!!!
That was the best one yet. Great job. :)
You are evil, and must be destroyed.
Bravo, sir!
Hmmm... Funny or Not, the reality of the situation is that it could happen. The Hat seems to be strangely silent of late with their slate of forthcoming projects. Several that were in the works even, have been axed. So, it just makes me wonder if something could be afoot.
April fools jokes on the internet have lost their purpose. They're expected, looked forward to, and no one honestly falls for them any more.
"no one honestly falls for them any more."
Really? You obviously haven't read any of the posts before you.
As I read the first couple sentences, I was shocked. But then, I realized the truth.
Nice job, Honor!
you S.O.B...
I was about to freak; there's been times in the past when walt's baby almost died, and i'd jump on this one...
Shhhh, don't talk so loud, Pixar might get ideas.
damn you omg that was a horibbale prank i was worried
I read this today, April 2nd. I payed no attention to when it was posted. I almost started crying! You go me.
Hahaha! Just as funny as the Google Motion thing....hehehe i fell for it...i got so sad...i hope that never happens. people here who r saying "i hate you", and "not funny" r just sour. hahaha
happy dis was a joke :)
LOL You totally sucked me in, even seeing this the day after April Fools. Scared me. Very well done.
you got me. /applaud
You evil evil EVIL man! You got me good! I could feel my heart dropping to the pit of my stomach I was so convinced, ahahaha.
Oh my...I almost cried.
Have been busy last few days and just read this one and you really got me. So much more believable than the Crystal Cathdrel article someone else wrote.
It certainy is not far fetched. A little too close to reality really. I would not put this past them down the road, sadly. If Iger can make a buck off it.....
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