As the Extreme Makeover picks up speed and noticeable improvement become more evident, it's time to softly unpack the future...
Ok, once again Blue Sky is here to add a little perspective laying out the (possible) terrain ahead. We're around a year and a half from the completion of Phase One of the EM and I thought we'd examine where some of the possible projects could/would be and when they could/would get done. As usual, this is a general outline, not something set in stone. Time tables can change and project status as well as choice of those projects may be altered. But this will hopefully reveal the topography of the broadening, bright future for Anaheim's Second Gate.
When the fall of 2012 comes to the Disneyland Resort, the park and resort will be dramatically different than they looked a decade ago. Like I've said before, the resort will actually be a resort. Certainly not near as big as Walt Disney World, but at least it will be the beginnings of a full resort and the "Spare Park" as some derogatorily call it, will finally be a Disney Park.
With the elaborately detailed and richly themed Buena Vista Street entrance welcoming guest through the turnstiles, it will be a much different experience for someone stepping foot in the park come the end of summer next year. That said, there will still be several areas that will/could provide ample opportunity for expansion or retheming. Translation: there is still work to be done, just not nearly as much and not necessarily as extreme!
There are four major areas for address:
1 - The majority of Hollywood Land (the former Hollywood Back Lot) will still be awaiting the majority of its transformation to a Forties (40's) makeover. While the Red Car Line will be working and the Disney Theater will reflect the coming atmosphere, the retheming of several areas along the walkways as well as the side and proposed enclosed entrance of the Hyperion Theater have yet to reflect the new period look. Also there are two stage areas ripe for expansion of attractions and a desire to update the current Muppets building. Should you see the new film featuring the characters become a hit, it will most likely stay within what was the opening theme, but likely updated to reflect the latest addition of this franchise.
2 - The area between Cars Land and transitioning from the Tower of Terror is available for the expansion of Hollywood Land or the increasing of valuable real estate in Radiator Springs. No decision has been made as to what will be put there or which combination of attractions will result. The exposed power lines on that side of the Cadillac Mountain Range offers the opportunity for more rock work to alter that skyline and reduce the remaining bad show. While the other side could offer viewpoints that better transition from the Tinsel Town facades (My own suggestion: Hollywood hills with the historic sign on one side/desert clifts that blend in to the mountainous rage on the other side.).
3 - The Golden State will start to occupy and transform the small Condor Flats area of the park over the coming years. With the opening of Cars Land, there really is no need for two desert themed area. This location, like the Grizzly River Run section, will receive a gradual makeover as elements are transitioned toward the early Fifties (50's) period that the Imagineers want the national park to project. The Red Creek Challenge Trail will likely receive retheming inspired by the Pixar film "Up" as the trail will be recast to reflect Russell's Wilderness Explorers.
The Paradise Pier area will need to be completed in the second phase of construction during the remaining decade. This is the largest area that will need to be rethemed. It will also be the most noticeable of all projects, as it takes up a much larger footprint than the other areas due for alteration. These projects will have the most visible footprint to the current expansion, so expect it to come in phases as construction would be approved.
4 - The temporary garden that has replaced the Maliboomer is a place holdover project for a 3-5 year time frame. The current and very embryonic thinking is that this area will be turned into the entrance for another E or D+ Ticket, which will most likely be built behind the Screamin' roller coaster which is currently occupied by the parade building.
The Goofy's Sky School coaster, for all the planning, is still a long term place holder project as well, although a much longer one than the Maliboomer area. Expect this area to remain for at least a decade+ as the company decides on what type of E Ticket to place here. Naturally, the theming is planned to match the surrounding areas reflecting a vibrant and roaring part of the early 20th Century.
The stores along the boardwalk are also scheduled to go under the knife around this same time for retheming to the Twenties (20's) period as well as several other elements (removal of those golden fans, retheming of lamp lighting and various, other theming). The Carousel could be expected to be transformed during this period to match the Victorian building of Midway Mania. Hopefully it will look similar to the classic structure that was presented on the model in the Blue Sky Cellar a year ago. The Screamin' queue building, line as well as the attraction itself are in need of a more focused retheming also. The transition of the queue building to something along the lines of the proposed fun house will likely be one of several options. And it's not the only location in need of some redressing along the boardwalk. The queue line for the Fun Wheel will hopefully get some variation of the beautiful covered structure that was abandoned during the design phase (my own hope's here) to replace the cheap tarps that were put back in place after the transformation from Sun to Fun.
The area featuring Ariel's Grotto is supposedly scheduled to be transformed into a Princess Palace (that name is not confirmed as the final choice, btw) and the stores are supposed to get a Neo-Victorian appearance as well to match the buildings across the pier on both sides (Mania and Mermaid).
Let me be clear that none of these areas have received an official green light, but that it is thought that these areas would be the focus of any expansion over the next decade. There are several proposals that WDI has available, but nothing is in an advanced state of planning for these areas right now until the first part of construction is finished. Once done, if the attendance levels that Iger and the Burbank/Anaheim Suits are expecting reach acceptable targets; Imagineers are hopeful that an expansion could start by 2013 or 2014 at the earliest.
Until the end of next year we will have to wait and see as the company examines the fruit of its labor in DCA's reimagining. Should attendance/merchandise/hotel bookings reflect well from all this planning, you can expect a second phase to move forward at a much faster pace.
Time will tell...
**Also there are two stage areas ripe for expansion of attractions and a desire to update the current Muppets building. Should you see the new film featuring the characters become a hit, it will most likely stay within what was the opening theme, but likely updated to reflect the latest addition of this franchise.**
A better idea would be to tear the thing down and put Philharmagic in its place, as has been suggested by others here before. The Muppets show gets sparse attendance as it is, and it's hard to imagine any new film starring decades-old, unenhanced-by-CG-*puppets* is going to be any kind of hit. Plus Philharmagic, thematically, would be a much better fit in that area.
Incidentally, did you hear about the lawsuit some dude filed against Muppets and Disney over the Build-Your-Own Muppets workshops? Disney's defense against the plaintiff's suit: We didn't make any money on those.
If that's true, then why should Disney invest more money in a little-attended, dated Muppets attraction?
"A better idea would be to tear the thing down and put Philharmagic in its place, as has been suggested by others here before."
Yes, and as before, it's been mentioned that putting in Philharmagic would cost far more than is justified for the show. Any attraction, show or whatever will likely have to live within the confines of the building that was built.
I know, Muppet haters the world over are groaning right now.
Will someone please explain the theme of the "The Little Mermaid" attraction exterior. I am not sure what it is? San Francisco, Boardwalk, Palace, etc. To me it looks like the outside of a museum.
Hey Honor, do you ever think that the "Suits" maybe object to being called "Suits". Kind of a derogatory term that doesn't really show those guys a lot of respect.
Question, anything Marvel-ous gonna happen? I'm surprised we haven't heard of at least rumors about attraction plans featuring those comic book characters; is Disney just waiting for Universal to release them back in Orlando so they can have supreme power over theme park rights?
I would rather see a new Muppets movie,but it needs to have a story. It should creatively reuse the Muppets animatronics. Why keep pushing for Philharmonic? It sounds lame.
It might be a good idea to fill in the area behind Tower and next to Cars first. They can go back to add more attractions in Paradise Pier.
Rumors on another site say Toy Story Playland will be built between Cars Lans and Tower of Terror - any traction on this? I sure hope not.
**Yes, and as before, it's been mentioned that putting in Philharmagic would cost far more than is justified for the show.**
Bull. It would get better attendance, guaranteed; the one in WDW is extremely popular. (BTW, the Muppets theater in that park is sparsely attended too.) It'd make more sense for Disney to spend a little dough on a proven hit than throw it away on an old has-been. (Muppet-luvers of the world are groaning right now. The truth hurts.)
Knock it off, Mr. Overly-Pessimistic Muppet-Hater! You know you're completely wrong on every respect, so please just do us all a favor by shutting your trap and leaving us alone!
The Muppets are FAR from being has-beens! And if the new Muppet movie turns out a huge success, you will have to eat your hat! After all, you're Muppet hatred only proves how heartless and soulless you really are!
I'm really skeptical how an E-Ticket attraction would fit where Goofy's Sky School currently is. That's a really small, landlocked plot of land for a queue, attraction, gift shop, etc. that an E-Ticket entails.
Anonymous is just plain wrong. As someone who has been to Muppets in Florida many times, I can honestly say that it is always full. All the indoor shows at Florida are always crowded, so anonymous is using a terible way to judge the popularity of an attraction.
But, that's the way of the internet I guess. Skew the details and smudge the truth to go in your favor.
Considering the plot, the new Muppet movie will either be really good or really bad. They could make it pretty funny but I'm personally thinking it's not going to be all that great.
Could be wrong, though. I guess I'll see what the critics and fans and non-fans think in November.
^As someone who has worked in the Muppets store in DHS, Anonymous is pretty much on the button. I remember when we had actual Muppet merchandise in that store; but now there's hardly any - the shelves have been taken over by the Mouse and friends. And why? The Muppet stuff didn't sell. The store was RIGHT BY THE MUPPETS THEATER, and giant Kermit statues were in front of it, but when customers came in, well, screw the frog, they wanted Mouse stuff. Also, I don't recall the theater being very busy during my shifts. Never worked there, but I have worked at PhilHarmagic (at the Kingdom), Dinosaur and Indiana Jones, and those places were full to capacity during the summer months. Can't recall a SINGLE time seeing that happening with Muppets, and I saw the outside of the theater during the park's peak hours during the summer five days a week. Never saw a line there, not once.
Anyway, what I think ought to happen with the Muppets theater is transition it to TRON. Maybe the movie didn't do gangbusters, but ElecTRONica has been a huge hit at DCA, and I think it'd have staying power if the show brought over to Florida.
"Until the end of next year we will have to wait and see as the company examines the fruit of its labor in DCA's reimagining."
After reading this, it sounds like they need to keep reimagining because none of these potential micro-overhauls are appealing in the least.
Carsland is not look the "magic" pill to change perceptions of what this park lacks (which is A LOT). Furthermore, re-theming the entrance plaza and a small redo here and there won't cut it. This park will have to be completely re-invented from top to bottom to be a success. This includes a complete redo of Grizzly River Rapids and Tower of Terror Lite
Will someone please explain the theme of the "The Little Mermaid" attraction exterior. I am not sure what it is? San Francisco, Boardwalk, Palace, etc. To me it looks like the outside of a museum.
OMG!!!!!!! Disney stole my idea for the Buena Vista st., and for the 40's and 50's themed areas. I had to present a project in school a couple of semesters back, and this is what I wrote. My teacher posted our papers on her blog. I wonder was Disney reading it?...
"Carsland is not look the "magic" pill to change perceptions of what this park lacks (which is A LOT)."
Perhaps you haven't seen all the kids that are sooooo looking forward to this opening. Not to mention the girls, yes girls that are excited about it. Talking to several, I was really surprised at the level of interest I've seen from late teen to early twenties females for this area.
Just because you don't like it Anonymous, doesn't mean the rest of the fans agree with you.
^As someone who has worked in the Muppets store in DHS, Anonymous is pretty much on the button. I remember when we had actual Muppet merchandise in that store; but now there's hardly any - the shelves have been taken over by the Mouse and friends. And why? The Muppet stuff didn't sell. The store was RIGHT BY THE MUPPETS THEATER, and giant Kermit statues were in front of it, but when customers came in, well, screw the frog, they wanted Mouse stuff. Also, I don't recall the theater being very busy during my shifts. Never worked there, but I have worked at PhilHarmagic (at the Kingdom), Dinosaur and Indiana Jones, and those places were full to capacity during the summer months. Can't recall a SINGLE time seeing that happening with Muppets, and I saw the outside of the theater during the park's peak hours during the summer five days a week. Never saw a line there, not once.
Anyway, what I think ought to happen with the Muppets theater is transition it to TRON. Maybe the movie didn't do gangbusters, but ElecTRONica has been a huge hit at DCA, and I think it'd have staying power if the show brought over to Florida.
Don't even think about it, Buster! Not gonna happen! Stop being wrong!
The exterior of the Little Merm was inspired by pavillions built as part of the fantastic amusement piers in Venice Beach. They housed dark rides with ambitious themes like "Heaven and Hell" or "Grand Canyon". Actually the structural similarity with actual pavillions is striking. It was a part of the amusement architecture that made the CA piers (and Coney Island and Atlantic City for that matter) so fabulous.
I have so enjoyed watching the design and construction of DCA 2.0 advance. For 2.1 I would love to see...
A Hollywoodland Hotel where the rooms appear as the various homes dotting a new mountain range that would also feature the famous Hollywoodland sign and connect with the Cadillac range. It would add needed ambiance to Hollywoodland and complete the needed "birm" to hide Anaheim.
A new version of the Great Movie ride where you climb aboard a counter-balanced camera crane mounted on a track and literally fly through the history of the movies with a birds eye view from the perspective of a cameraman. An actual digital camera (looking like an antique camera) and on-board monitors would capture and show the footage being "filmed" by you as the ride progresses. Perhaps with blue screen the video could enhance the actual stages with actors adding more fun and avoiding the need for audio-animatronics. That could one up Potter. I imagine as you are in the queue DW Grifith would describe your upcoming adventure as he circled you traveling in one of the crane cameras himself, preparing you for what was just ahead.
For Paradise Pier, I think they need a Tunnel of Love. Retro boats navigating an imaginative system of locks and levees and shoots would sail past scenes of famous Disney lovers becoming smitten. A new cupid character would tie the adventure together by desperately trying to shoot you with his arrow but continuing to miss, instead inspiring other characters to swoon. A final drop would bring the much requested second flume to the resort and add some dimension to the waters of the bay. It would be the makeout ride that has been missing since Adventure Through Inner Space fell to the wrecking ball.
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