Sunday, April 14, 2013

3000 Thoughts...

It's hard to believe that there have been over three thousand posts on Blue Sky since that first one went out across the web not so long ago...

A little place where my friends and I could give our thoughts, talk about rumors and hear about the latest news has grown so much more that I could have wanted.  Thanks to all you who have stuck with us through the years; through high and low, many posts or times of drought, it's been a wonderful experience.  Hopefully we will continue to grown and expand as a place for thoughts on the Mouse and other areas of entertainment.  Again, thanks for sticking with us and the entire Blue Sky staff looks forward to a thrilling next few years.  As we find out what's happening in film, parks and other formats, the excitement is just beginning.

Now, on to four thousand ...

1 comment:

Rodan said...

Though I have posted only a few times I read each and every posts and mull overmany of them. Thank you for knowledge and ability. I look forward to reading much, much more.