Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Beware, Batfans...

Cartoon Network is bringing out yet another animated version of the Caped Crusader...

"Beware the Batman" is a computer generated attempt to both pay homage to, and yet, walk away from the epicness of Batman: The Animated Series.  They've released a new trailer that shows off the action with appearances by minor/obscure villains in an effort to show the series is different.  While the animation looks fine, the modeling and texture of scenes leaves something to be desired.

Here's to crossing our fingers that the writing is good...


sherrill777 said...

I don't think it's possible to come close to the awesomeness of B:TAS, but I'd be willing to give this a chance if the stories are well done.

Unknown said...

See Man of Steel yet? I'm patiently awaiting your thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Yay. More comic book articles!!!!
Have you lost your Disney Park "Bothans?"
Just givin you a hard time. I know if you ever get any inside info. again you will pass it on.

Eric said...

After looking at the trailer I have to say that the animation and graphics look awful. It at the level of a bad video game.

J said...

The animation reminds me of the old Beast Wars and Reboot shows. Not in a good way.

Anonymous said...

Gee, more crap hurled at Batman and DC on this blog. No surprise aobut that. I don't think I've ever read anything remotely positive about either here. Talk about Marvel/Disney sycophants.

Anonymous said...

I used to work at Warner Bros. Animation. They basically think if they produce CG versions of their library, they will have hits.

But the ratings of their 2D animated series are equal if not better, and cost less.

When will they's story many shows do they have on the air now?

Bennie DuBears said...

"Gee, more crap hurled at Batman and DC on this blog. No surprise aobut that. I don't think I've ever read anything remotely positive about either here. Talk about Marvel/Disney sycophants."

Really? And you've been to this site a lot??? If you were here a lot you'd know that Honor is a DC man, not a Marvel man. He's said so in many, many posts. Batman is also his favorite character. Again, something he's said many times.

But I'm sure since you've read the site a lot you knew that, right?