From the Grid...
Over at Collider, they've got a really interesting interview with Joe Kosinski about "Tron Legacy" that you might want to read. Lots of stuff about Easter eggs, deleted scenes, compromises that had to be made and intentions for the Blu-Ray and possible thoughts about TR3N.
Give it a click...
TR3N won't be happening at the rate this picture is pulling in money. or lack-there-of.
Considering Tangled is a success and cost 260 million and Tron Legacy cost 170 million I'd have to say it ain't doing too badly. I'm looking forward to Tron Uprising.
Gotta agree with you Anonymous #1...
Darrell agrees with someone, that absolutely means it's wrong then.
Darrell is just another internet nerd living in his parents basement.
Oh, and if I agreed with someone about "Dark Knight" (the fact that it is a fabulous movie), then that wouldn't mean that TDK must be horrible just because of that one agreement, would it?
Hey Darrell, even a broken clock is right twice a day.
If it grosses $200 million domestically, it will be percieved as a hit, and there will be sequels.
Anything less, it stops right here.
I want a sequel so badly, I love Tron Legacy!
Then you need to go pay and see it a few more times then. Money talks.
You'll have to see it plenty of times to get it past 200 million...
Seen it 4 times already. I could have bought 4 blu-rays for that!
I've seen Tron: Legacy twice since it came out and loved it. I didn't like the Clu effects, but otherwise, I looooooved the film. I so want Disney to explore this world more. Please make a sequel. I really am looking forward to that Tron: Uprising animated series as well, how's it going?
I'm supposed to see Legacy again with friends on New Years Eve. Can't wait!
It will be lucky to hit $200 mil worldwide.
"It will be lucky to hit $200 mil worldwide."
Either you're incredibly ignorant of the global movie market or you're incredibly biased or maybe just a bit of both.
Tron Legacy has already made a worldwide total now of $153.8 million as of Sunday. If people keep going to see it over the holidays, it'll pass your number in a week. While it's not my favorite film of the year, I feel the reviews have been somewhat unjust and some of the fanboy analysis has been really bordering on stupidity. You're a textbook example of someone with his foot in his mouth and up his ass.
Do a little research before you open your mouth please.
Off of Box-Office Mojo.
Total Lifetime Grosses
Domestic: $87,373,703 79.2%
+ Foreign: $23,000,000 20.8%
= Worldwide: $110,373,703
As much as I liked the film and would love to see a sequel and park ride turn out from it. It's going to need to make a lot more then 200+ million for Disney green light anything.
With a production budget of 170+ million and AT LEAST 90+ million in cross-promotion. This is a HUGE uphill battle for Disney and Tron to achieve. By today's standards it's looking bleak. But I'm a believer. An ill stay hopeful.
"Tron Legacy has already made a worldwide total now of $153.8 million as of Sunday."
"You're a textbook example of someone with his foot in his mouth and up his ass. Do a little research before you open your mouth please."
I did my research. The international figures are not being reported consistently amongst the sites.
Hollywood Reporter claims TRON's international take so far is $65.5mil, while Box Office Mojo claims it's $23mil. Either one is outdated or one is a mistake.
But is that any reason to be rude and tell me my foot is in my mouth and my head is up my ass? Because I don't read the Hollywood Reporter?
OK. Only smart and savvy people read the Hollywood Reporter. Got it.
Fact is, TRON is not resonating with audiences. Little Fockers and True Grit did better over the holiday weekend than TRON did, which came in third place behind yet another sophomoric sequel and a Coen brothers western. THIRD PLACE! And TRON has been released to the majority of its foreign screens, so I doubt the overseas grosses will increase significantly, moving into January.
I'm certain it will do at least $200mil worldwide, probably by the end of the year, if the Hollywood Reporter figure is accurate. But much more than that, like $300mil? Not a chance.
This film is rapidly losing its shelf life. Once Green Hornet takes away the bulk of the 3D and IMAX screens in about two weeks, ticket sales for TRON will drop off a cliff. It's just not something most movie goers have a desire to see.
the 23mil foreign figure is from the first weekend. It is at 65mil right now, so the grand total as of yesterday is 153mil. It's holding up just fine in the int'l markets.
Most movie goers have no desire to see Green Hornet in Imax 3D. That film looks like a colossal stinker. Tron is obviously the better film. By far.
It doesn't matter whether or not movie goers see Green Hornet in IMAX or 3D. The end result is TRON losing its IMAX and 3D screens, which is where a huge percentage of their box is coming from, given the higher ticket prices. Once TRON loses the majority of its 3D screens to Green Hornet, the revenue will drop dramatically. For that reason, TRON only has about two more weeks of shelf life domestically.
This film is not going to be the mega-blockbuster that Disney originally envisioned. Attendance will continue to decline, especially after the holidays when students return to school. Disney was hoping for another billion dollar hit like Alice and Toy Story 3, but it just isn't happening, even overseas. TRON isn't going to do even half of that amount, possibly not even a third. It will most likely finish here around $150 mil, and about the same internationally. Definitely less than one-third the business of either Alice or Toy Story 3.
TRON was very expensive to produce and market. And the merchandise isn't moving, either. Whether or not you choose to admit it, TRON is not the revenue generating smash that Disney was expecting. Fans should just accept it and move on.
Given the mediocre performance of this film, I don't see Disney even remotely considering a sequel. This franchise is done.
I'm cool with that.
IMO this film pairs nicely with the original. I'd rather have a duo box set sitting on my shelf instead of more films.
Bring on the duo box set with all sorts of special features and I'm happy.
"Given the mediocre performance of this film, I don't see Disney even remotely considering a sequel. This franchise is done."
Not just that; but the fact that Tron: Legacy ended like there wasn't supposed to be a sequel at all. There's no reason for there to be a TR3N; there's nothing that they could do with the third movie AT ALL. Forget the mediocre performance; even if the film had crossed 1 billion they wouldn't make a sequel.
As much money as Disney put into making it and marketing I would think they would have negotiated to keep Tron on Imax screens longer to get the most returns they could but less than a month?!?! That's just wrong.
We'll just wait and see what happens with this film. It's been out less than two weeks so I don't think we should be writing the epitaph for it just yet.
Darrel is a moron. Tron Legacy ended with a setup for a Tron sequel with both Tron and Flynn. It's obvious from the memory card hanging around Sam's neck what will happen. Flynn lives.
One month is typical for IMAX releases these days; there's just too much competition for big screen films now. Deathly Hallows was only in IMAX for one month before TRON was released, so you shouldn't be surprised.
(SPOILER ALERT!) Well where is Flynn then? Stuck in some alternate reality? Half-dead, maybe? I think "killing" off Flynn was a good and unexpected way to end the sequel. And maybe they should just leave things right there.
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