It seems every other story we report is on Tron here lately...
Actually, it seems even more now. There is actually so much news about the franchise that I don't have time and/or don't want to report everything (A Tron Store?). But something we mentioned earlier in the year is now being officially announced.
Starting in summer 2012, "Tron Uprising" will debut on Disney XD. This is in addition to the ten part micro-series that will premiere a year from now. All this from a film that opened twenty-eight years ago to empty theaters across the world.
The times have changed...
Reading that the Tron merchandise are flying out of shelves during elcTRONica seems like a good omen.
Now when will Disney XD be alongside Disney Channel, ESPN, and ABC Family on the basic cable package???
If they ever want Disney XD to become mainstream they need to expand their outreach. They could totally reach a broader audience if they were on basic cable nationwide, especially now with Marvel on their scene.
I doubt Uprising will be as bad as Clone Wars. That show is just awful. Can't wait to check it out.
Yeah, um, who's got $2600 to blow on Tron luxury jewelry? Perhaps the real question is who would want to? I think Disney's merchandising is getting out of hand. It may work for Lucas but Tron is not Star Wars. It doesn't have that kind of mass market appeal that people will obediently shell out their wallets for. I think this is going to backfire and Disney will be left with egg on their face and lost profits.
Honor, if you don't have time to keep up with the Tron hype how about letting Tron Unit post it for you? He seems to have a good handle on it.
To Perfectly flawed, that decision is not up to Disney, it is up to the cable providers. I think the idea is to make DisneyXD such a cool channel that subscribers will DEMAND that it be added.
To the first anonymous, you are one of the VERY few that feel that Clone Wars is bad. Almost EVERYONE I talk to feels that the Clone Wars animated series is good.
Sadly, I must agree with Disney Sold Out. Tron is overhyped. I don't think it's going to be the blockbuster Disney hopes for. But I hope I'm wrong...
Jedited, perhaps you and all of your 2nd grade friends love it but all of but just about everyone I know who actually grew up with Star Wars hates it. Lucas could have done a really badass militaristic CGI animated series about the Clone Wars instead of turning it into juvenile cartoon rubbish.
I can see what you mean, I just don't plan to invest any money to an on-demand channel though, I see it was a waste of money. But that's just me. I do believe that Disney has enough influence to at least start talks with cable operators to provide Disney XD on the basic cable lineup.
Meh, who needs cable. I'll be getting these off the web.
Hehe.. same with me.
Where are you getting the WEB?
Not from cable, from the ski(esse). ;)
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