Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Now You Have A Clu...

Jeff Bridges is BAD and Bad is good...

Best. Tron. Poster. Ever...


TRON UNIT said...

Ok Honor where can I get it?

Tom said...

The only thing I could do is gasp and say "WAW"!!!

I'm forgetting all about Rapunzel, THIS is THE new Disney movie :)

Anonymous said...

It should be available at your nearest Walmart or Target after the movie opens.

I can't say it will motivate me to go. I need more incentive in a Saw 3D way. See it or gouge your eyes out.

Mewhunter67 said...

i will definitely still see tangled, but dang... I like this so bad. I'm still upset i missed tron night

Anonymous said...

Actually I prefer the final release one-sheet that pays homage to the original theatrical poster. This looks like one of those cheap $5 locker posters you buy at Walmart.

WhereIsTRON said...

Aren't you just easy to please?

1). The new "TRON" logo distracts from the overall picture.

2). If this is an one-character sheet, then the background and foreground either needs to tell a story or a make a statement. Take the Darth Vader mask in profile silhouette from Empire Strikes Back. It's subtle but distinct - You KNOW that it's Darth Vader. In contemporary time (circa 79-80), he's alive and back for revenge. He's the typical villain who can't be killed and, this time, you just know he's going to draw some blood. That's a statement poster.

Close second: The Anakin Skywalker's shadow is a silhouette of Darth Vader. Very effective. And yes, I know of the hate for the prequels here but it was a dang good statement poster that instantly sold it's message - This boy is the future space devil known as Darth Vader.

3). This poster really isn't a "story" poster - Who is CLU? Is he good? Bad? What does he want? This poster says nothing that he was once good, that he's since turned bad (even if it's unintentionally bad), of nothing about his desires (Does he want to escape the server, dominate the Internet, grab a pizza, passing gas?).

4). If I had to improve the poster, I'd go with a "story" poster because CLU just isn't well known outside of TRON fans. You have to connect "modern" CLU with "original" CLU. Perhaps original CLU with original background graphics looks into a mirror and the reflection is the modern CLU with modern background equivalents plus you'd add a tagline accenting the point.

Another possibility is modern CLU in the classic TRON poster pose, but altered to reflect his villainous desire (again, take over the server, destroy Flynn, order a pizza...). A lot of people know the classic TRON pose and to corrupt it someway would make people look twice or at least study it long enough to advertise the movie.

Anyway, to call this is the "Best. Tron. Poster. Evah" (or whatever similar language used) is a little over enthusiastic.

Anonymous said...

WhereISTRON, your condescension is more than a little over-analytical. In fact, it's just plain stupid. Get a frickin clu...

Anonymous said...

^ I assume you're also the same person who complained about the brush strokes used in the DCA work wall art...

Anonymous said...

@ WhereIsTRON

This poster is actually the first part of a 3-piece Tryptych poster. The second poster was just revealed today showing the theatrical poster of Sam and Quorra in the middle. The 3rd image has yet to be revealed. Just goes to show the poster has a lot more "story" composition than you are criticizing it for but you obviously haven't seen the "bigger picture."

Honor Hunter said...

Flynn is the third part...