With all the buzz surrounding "Tron Legacy" the Suits in Burbank are getting a bit giddy...
How Giddy, you ask? Well, with all the positive buzz surrounding the upcoming film, the Bothans tell me that the Imagineers over at WDI have been given the go-ahead to move further into blue sky development on an E-Ticket attraction themed to Tron for Disneyland. This isn't a green light for the actual, finalized ride, just the opportunity to explore more extensive designs and concepts. Something tells me late 2012/early 2013 could see the beginning of that long talked about, but continually put off remake of Tomorrowland.
It appears the future is happening now...
Anybody else getting a Spaceballs vibe from Tron? Tron the T-Shirt, Tron the lunch box, Tron the coloring book, Tron the breakfast cereal...
It's starting to turn into a joke. If the movie isn't a hit, it sure will be.
IF the film ensnares itself within the cultural zeitgeist, the Tron aesthetic could be a great one to fold into Tomorroland--a digital futurist style. Here's hoping that the film is a good film and not just eye candy. Will it be another Pirates of the Caribbean, a worthy representation that feeds the parks? I'll believe it when I see it. I know that if I walk out of the theatre exhilarated, I'll be instantly looking for the Imagineers to take me to that world in the coming years. It's a great opportunity.
But it depends on the film, it depends on the film . . . .
ANYTHING has to be better than the miss-mash that is in Tomorrowland today.
And what if this thing is a bomb?
I'm having my doubts about its success. Will it expand beyond online geekdom? I really don't think so. I love Disney movies in general, but I have zip interest in this.
YES! That's great news. Here's to hoping the movie is a blockbuster success, otherwise, this may be the last we here of a Tron E-ticket.
This song just immediately popped into my head.
"It's a great big beautiful tomorrow!"
Will it be "THE" remake of Tomorrowland, or "the" remake of Tomorrowland? I hope they are serious about it. They need to spend money on a BIG E-TICKET attraction instead of having minor C-Tickets like Buzz Lightyear, Rocket Jets, and Innoventions.
Maybe they should stop messing with us. Just do it piece meal and over a 5 year period. That way, expectations are moderated and can build over time.
The buzz for Tron is starting to feel a bit artificial aka homegrown marketing hype. These are the same people that thought they had a franchise on their hands with "Prince of Persia" so don't get too excited.
I hope it's a huge hit but I'm getting the oddest vibes off the marketing campaign.
What they need for Tomorrowland it an OUTSTANDING new E-Ticket attraction. An attraction that, if it was themed to TRON, and TRON tanked at the theaters, would STILL be an OUTSTANDING new E-Ticket.
Disney management is too fickle in their support for attractions. Some outstanding attraction concepts have gotten shelved because management second guessed the movie they were based on.
Someone needs to have to gumption to just follow through on some of these great concepts IN SPITE of any film they may be based on.
I love the idea but have two concerns - tomorrowland to me was always about bright clean futures. they tried a darker mechanized one and it failed. Second, as long as they don't bring that dance party over from DCA... ugh!
I vote for bringing Dinosaur to Disneyland as a Primeval World attraction. That one used to be on the drawing board, until they just slacked off with Honey I Shrunk the whatever.
And it goes without saying that the subs should be 20,000 Leagues ^_^
One other comment--I enjoy attractions that are "their own thing"--where the theming of the attraction is original and not tied to a pre-existing media property. Haunted Mansion, to Expedition Everest . . . the concept works. Because Disney's mandate is media synergy and cross marketing across all of its delivery platforms doesn't mean that every property needs to start with a film. Pirates showed how this pipeline can flow the other way--and I hope this upcoming "Haunted Mansion 2.0" will also do this. I could see the oft-wished-for Beastly Kingdom for the Animal Kingdom turning into a film franchise when and if it were ever constructed, for example. So I'm hoping that they are developing at least some attractions without prior media exposure . . . .
"How Giddy, you ask?"
Honor, you're starting to sound like Jim Hill.
Stop it.
"Honor, you're starting to sound like Jim Hill.
Stop it."
And you're starting to sound like one of those Jim Hill whiners.
Stop it.
^Wow, a Jim Hill fanboy. Thought they'd gone extinct, given the low traffic his site gets these days.
@Cory Gross:
They already have "Dinosaur" at Disneyland. Only it's called "Indiana Jones Adventure."
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