Looks pretty snazzy... I've never been too familiar with the original Tron...I only know a few things about the Tron universe from seeing bits of the movie and from playing from Kingdom Hearts 2.
I'm gonna have to watch Tron soon because I do want to see Tron Legacy.
I watched the first Tron about a year ago with my girlfriend and neither of us understood it. We'll have to try watching it again before this comes out in theatres.
Any word on a tron bluray coming out anytime soon?
This movie looks incredible... they are really getting their moneys worth out of the cinematography and visual effects, and I'm sure this is nothing compared to what else they aren't showing. I hope the final story is as good as the visuals look, because it looks epic!
Same here. If only they overdubbed the arcade Tron Scherzo when the titles came up at the end of the trailer as a homage to the original that would have been the icing on the cake for me. Daft Punk in the movie look a little too much like the Space Rockers from the 80's Buck Rogers.
Wow... the whole style is great, with the Neon angainst an almost black'n white screen!! I'm getting really excited for this, which is quite odd because I put the orignal off after 20 mins :S :P
In fairness, the original movie is all about Flynn, and almost entirely from his point of view, so frankly it's perfectly understandable that this one be from Sam's.
So far everything I've seen from this movie I have loved. What's fascinating is that it is both cool and reminiscent of the world of Tron from the original film- despite having very few visual similarities with the original computer world, escept for the suits, recognizers and lightcycles. That's okay though- just as computers and videogames have become incredibly more complex over the last 25 years it's only natural that the world of Tron does too.
What really got me was the shot of Clu with his entourage- incredibly cool and incredibly dome- that IS Jeff Bridges from 20 years ago and yet it's not. Amazing.
I will be there the moment this film opens, and I look forward to the continuation of the marketing campain over the next 9 months.
Don't worry, TRON is in TRON LEGACY. They are keeping his appearance hush hush. I have a feeling they are going to "upgrade" him as well as apply the de-aging software to Boxleitner like they did to Bridges so he will look young like he did back in 1982. Who knows, maybe Peter Jurasik will make a cameo as Crom since he worked with Boxleitner on Babylon 5. Wouldn't that be something?
OH. MY. GOD. That trailer gave me chills! Boxleitner got OLD!!! I hope they can de-age Tron like they did with Clu!
I can't wait. Bring it!
Looks pretty snazzy...
I've never been too familiar with the original Tron...I only know a few things about the Tron universe from seeing bits of the movie and from playing from Kingdom Hearts 2.
I'm gonna have to watch Tron soon because I do want to see Tron Legacy.
I'm so excited.
Jeff "The Dude" Bridges winning last night's Oscar will only elevate the importance and curiosity of this film.
I watched the first Tron about a year ago with my girlfriend and neither of us understood it. We'll have to try watching it again before this comes out in theatres.
Any word on a tron bluray coming out anytime soon?
This movie looks incredible... they are really getting their moneys worth out of the cinematography and visual effects, and I'm sure this is nothing compared to what else they aren't showing. I hope the final story is as good as the visuals look, because it looks epic!
I liked the Vancouver North Shore mountains in the opening night shot, very pretty.
Opens the weekend after Narnia 3, that's interesting.
Should be a hit, I'm hoping for a trilogy.
Looks impressive.
Hurrah!!! Soooooooooo can't wait!
Looks good. Really missing the Wendy Carlos score//music though - still disappointed by that.
Same here. If only they overdubbed the arcade Tron Scherzo when the titles came up at the end of the trailer as a homage to the original that would have been the icing on the cake for me. Daft Punk in the movie look a little too much like the Space Rockers from the 80's Buck Rogers.
Wow... the whole style is great, with the Neon angainst an almost black'n white screen!! I'm getting really excited for this, which is quite odd because I put the orignal off after 20 mins :S :P
just watched it in HD. looks cool.
I feel like Jeff Goldblum in Jurassic Park:
"Excuse me... Hello? Where is TRON? You know... TRON? This is a movie called "TRON," right? When are we going to see TRON in TRON?"
While Disney is on a re-naming trend, why not just re-title this film, "FLYNN"? Wake me when there's some TRON in TRON...
In fairness, the original movie is all about Flynn, and almost entirely from his point of view, so frankly it's perfectly understandable that this one be from Sam's.
So far everything I've seen from this movie I have loved. What's fascinating is that it is both cool and reminiscent of the world of Tron from the original film- despite having very few visual similarities with the original computer world, escept for the suits, recognizers and lightcycles. That's okay though- just as computers and videogames have become incredibly more complex over the last 25 years it's only natural that the world of Tron does too.
What really got me was the shot of Clu with his entourage- incredibly cool and incredibly dome- that IS Jeff Bridges from 20 years ago and yet it's not. Amazing.
I will be there the moment this film opens, and I look forward to the continuation of the marketing campain over the next 9 months.
Don't worry, TRON is in TRON LEGACY. They are keeping his appearance hush hush. I have a feeling they are going to "upgrade" him as well as apply the de-aging software to Boxleitner like they did to Bridges so he will look young like he did back in 1982. Who knows, maybe Peter Jurasik will make a cameo as Crom since he worked with Boxleitner on Babylon 5. Wouldn't that be something?
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