Tuesday, March 2, 2010

More Prince, More Persia...

Will it?

Will it, hmmm?

IGN has a new Prince of Persia trailer from Walt Disney Pictures...

Have a look, it's got a lot of the old trailer with about a third new scenes. Is it me or does all that slick imagery make you feel like you'll get a headache watching this? It certainly is shiny and epic with a distinctive style all it's own. And I'm glad that it's not just trying to mimic the game. Plus it has a very good director so I'm really wanting this to be good.

I definitely know Disney does...


Anonymous said...

Very trippy trailer indeed.

Excellent visual effects.

Dar said...

Is this like Beastmaster where they travel through time to present day or something. That movie was a riot.

Jerry Suckheimer said...

Jerry Suckheimer produces the most overcommercialized bull**** in cinematic history, albeit very very successful bull****, but still bull**** nonetheless.

Thomas Phillip said...

Sometimes I can't tell a Jerry Bruckheimer film from a Michael Bay film.

Anonymous said...

"Jerry Suckheimer produces the most overcommercialized bull**** in cinematic history, albeit very very successful bull****, but still bull**** nonetheless."

The Internet; a place where people can rant without consequences.