Sunday, March 7, 2010

More Shell Games...

The new "Iron Man 2" trailer is out and it looks awesome...

Take a peek and count the days. This film will be huge.

Did I mention it was awesome?

Oh yeah, I did.


Obadiah Stane said...

It definetly has some cool stuff: the Mark V briefcase armor is badass and War Machine looks kick ass as well. I still thing Whiplash looks ridiculous. I'd rather they went with Crimson Dynamo or The Mandarin. Nothing can beat the first film. You will miss some Obadiah Stane. Picture Time.

Anonymous said...

I just noticed that Samuel Jackson plays 'Nick Fury.' Does anyone know if it is a reference to Sgt. Nick Fury of Marvell Comics fame?

Tony Stark said...

Yes, Sammy J plays Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. Apparently he's black now starting with the Ultimates. I wish they had kept the traditional Nick Fury and cast someone like Gerard Butler or something. Sammy J reminds me of Mace Windu.

Nick Fury said...

This party's over.

nojarama said...

It's going to be awesome. As for SLJ: a black Nick Fury is perfect IMO. It's probably the ONLY thing from anything Ultimate Avengers universe that I'd allow in a 616 universe film. Again, can't wait for this!