It looks like a return to the Hundred Acre Woods is definitely in order...
Mmm...sorry. But this looks generic and uninspired. The animation is really pretty bland. I like the original two Pooh movies, can't stand most of the rest, and this one, judging by the trailer, looks like...most of the rest. Once again, it looks like WDAS and Lasseter are coughing up a safe, boring, by-the-numbers movie (a la Princess and the Frog) and expecting everyone to get excited about it because it's 2D. Don't they understand that in order for 2D to really revive, the movies they make HAVE to be up to the quality of a Pinocchio or Lady and the Tramp? A standard '90's treatment just won't do. This is very disappointing...
^actually from what i've gathered from various blogs (non-disney blogs mind you) is that people are actually wanting to go see this. I totally agree with them. I was pretty much indifferent to the film before the trailer but it caught me by surprise; i'm really excited for it now. The animation looks gorgeous and the nostalgia factor is sure to make this a winner. The only thing that i still don't understand is why Disney is releasing this alongside the Harry Potter movie. Didn't they learn anything from PatF and Avatar?
I think this film can be just as beautifully done as the original Pooh featurettes and it will still have the fatal flaw of having come after so much other Pooh crap. I hope that despite that, it's a great film and word of mouth brings it in. If the budget is truly as low as you say, perhaps a moderate showing will be enough to make it profitable. Ironically if it does well, won't we just get a resurgance of the Pooh tide (TV series, endless toys, etc..) that seems as if it's finally ebbed a bit?
Ugh... this will seem rather nostalgic to longtime fans, but for me... I'm going to stay far, far away from this film. I don't even normally do midnight showings, but I'm going to the HP midnight showing just so I can avoid all the people talking about all this "'Winnie the Pooh' is back" crap.
I couldn't disagree more, Anonymous #1! This looks perfectly classic, a small and simple feature, and that's just what it's meant to be. I don't think it's safe or boring - in fact, I think it's brave that they're doing something in the true style of those decades-ago movies, and not the over-the-top, big budget Broadway style films that some would say are more bankable.
This looks like a film with heart - I'm kind of getting a Where the Wild Things Are vibe from the trailer. The release date is unfortunate, but I expect the studio is expecting DVD sales to be the money-maker here.
Hmmm, I like it, but the animation looks too much like it has been done in ToonDisney Studios :(
And why do they add a song of Keane? I love that group and their music, but this is a Disney movie, the song doesn't belong in the trailer... I guesss the people from Rapunzel are doing the marketing for this one too...
You know, Disney should do a 2d movie staring Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Pluto and Minnie. they SHOULDN'T let marketing walk over it. It could be in the same budget range as the current Pooh film. And it should appeal to all audiences, not just one demographic. It would be a classic, and open up thecharacters to a new generation.
It's a shockingly good trailer, for Winnie the Pooh of all things. Seriously, the one trailer you'd think they'd pander to the little kids, they instead aim at nostalgic, older audiences. The song in particular is amazingly effective.
The "Where the Wild Things" trailer comparison is very apt.
And it's very nice to see the "Winnie the Pooh" characters animated well for the first time in years. Dig up any of the more recent Pooh features, and see how stiff and bland the animation really is.
Sigh... I am disappointed with how many people are *excited* about this movie. No, scratch that. APPALLED is more like it.
See, Winnie the Pooh has been made into movies and shorts far more than enough times. I liked "The Tigger Movie," but other than that, I'm not a big fan of Pooh. (I don't even watch that one anymore.)
Pooh is for kids. That's the hugest problem. And adults will only be interested in that due to the nostalgia that they'll have from watching the original ones from when they were young. Sick. Really sick.
I thoroughly liked Winnie the Pooh when I was a little kid. But, honestly, I've gotten too old for it. How many of you commentator dolts are kids? OUT WITH IT!
Some peope like nostalgia. Just because you can't understand it. Doesn't mean it isn't legitimate.
I really wasn't sure what to expect from the trailer for this. After all the Toon-Disney films done and dumbing down of the characters for toddlers it's a joy to see these characters in the same light as they were first introduced to us by Disney.
On second hand though. Disney has been saying they are making this film in the same veign as the original pooh film. So I shouldn't really be all that surprise that it was presenting this way.
See it's funny, because people like you two^^ (Anon 2:43 and 4:20) are really the ones who need to grow up.
Is it wrong for a "so-called adult" to like something that, yes, is definitely made for kids? Is it wrong for a grown man to genuinely enjoy Winnie-the-Pooh? While nostalgia will always play a big part in something like this, I for one honestly am entertained by Pooh. I think Pooh Bear and Eeyore are legitimately funny. Not modern hip funny, but cold, dry humour funny.
But, because Winnie the Pooh is "for kids", that makes me "sick"?
I wish some people were able to be unafraid of being in touch with their 'inner child'.
I feel really sorry for people like Darrell. What a miserable existence, where one categorizes wistful nostalgia - common to most adults with hearts (and especially to those with kids) as "sick."
Someone's sick and possibly in need of counseling - but it's not the folks smiling at this trailer.
How many of you commentator dolts are kids? OUT WITH IT!
See, this is what I like about the comments section here: there's such a respect for differences of opinion. Thank you so much, fellow commentator dolt.
"What a miserable existence, where one categorizes wistful nostalgia - common to most adults with hearts (and especially to those with kids) as "sick.""
*I DON'T HAVE KIDS.* Maybe I should point that out... and I'm not really an adult yet either.
And I was a little nostalgic about Toy Story 3... since I did grow up around the time that the original two were coming out. And those are NOT kiddie movies. They are made both for kids and adults. Pooh isn't.
Just because I don't have kids, and I'm not entirely an adult... does that alone make my life an miserable existence because I have *very little* nostalgia? NO. You'll just have to wait until I'm 30. Now shut up with that crap.
Darrell - no, it doesn't make your life a miserable existence because you have *very little* nostalgia. That's not what was said.
What makes your life a miserable existence is the fact you think people who DO have a strong sense of nostalgia are "sick. Really sick."
Basically, you don't have any respect for someone who does like this. The fact that I, a 20 year old male, am excited about this, is "sick" to you? That's sad. What difference does that make in your life?
The question is: WHY do some "adults" get excited about what is clearly a bland imitation of what's already been done? The animation in this trailer is not nearly as good as the animation in the first Pooh cartoon - it lacks the deft comic acting, drawing strength and personality. The earlier animation gave even gave each character a distinctive way of moving - such as Pooh's stiff-legged teddy bear walk - but in this trailer, it's all generic, workmanlike and uninteresting. Yet some of you guys here watch it and go "squee!!!" It's irrational, as is some adults' reactions to this new Muppet movie. In truth, could *anything* the Muppets do now POSSIBLY be as good as when Jim Henson and Frank Oz performed Kermit and Miss Piggy? Do the new performers even come CLOSE to their artistry? If you've got eyes and ears, the answer can only be "No", and yet some chumps just can't WAIT for this new movie because they watched the Muppets as kids and imagine that somehow, someway, because they really want it to, it'll be just as good. I wouldn't go so far as to call that reaction "sick", but I would call it "nuts".
Okay... maybe people are misunderstanding a little. People are thinking that when I say "sick, really sick" I mean THEM.
Heck no.
Let me rewrite the paragraph where I said that, and try to make things a little clearer (although it still probably won't make people like the idiot Anonymous who called my existence miserable any happier).
Pooh is for kids. That's the biggest problem. And adults will only be interested due to all the nostalgia that they'll have from watching the original cartoons when they were young. This is just sick. Really sick.
That is referring to WHY the people are going to see Pooh... just because of nostalgia. NOT THE PEOPLE THEMSELVES! Get it straight! Pooh is the main problem... with nostalgia perhaps being a symptom.
I try not to have an inner child. It's just stupid... or at least, to someone my age. And don't all of you start calling me sick just because I think this new Pooh idea sucks or because I don't have an inner child right now.
"WHY do some "adults" get excited about what is clearly a bland imitation of what's already been done?"
I applaud to this, and everything else the guy said.
"Apparently Honor doesn't moderate comments anymore since he let the trolls in."
You think I am a troll? No way. None of us are. People like me and some of the Anonymous commentators are the side of the argument that aren't excited about this.
You want trolling, I would give it to you... if not for the fact that comment moderation *is* still on board.
Darrell, if you say you have no inner child and you say you like Disney in the same sentence, then you are a fool. Walt Disney said time and time again that is what he wanted to do for adults help them reach their inner child. I feel sorry for you.
It's one thing to say you're not excited about this. It's another to call those who are excited, sick, childish, or immature and other things.
If you're not excited about something then just say you're not excited about it and say why. Don't go talking trash about those that disagree with you.
I voice my opinion... and say that I'm not excited about this... and I say why. And that's where I said the word "sick."
And suddenly, people start hurling their retorts at me like heck. So what do I do? I give them a piece of my mind instead of acting like a coward.
Obviously we're not speaking the same language. I'm speaking English, most of you are speaking I-will-hurl-insulting-retorts-at-Darrell-just-because-he-dislikes-Pooh-and-has-no-inner-child-lish.
Wow, the Muppet movie already looks stupid. Big surprise!
Tangled at least looks beautiful.
Tron:Legacy...will this appeal to people who aren't internet/videogame nerds? Can Disney make money from this film if it doesn't? That IS the question...
Mmm...sorry. But this looks generic and uninspired. The animation is really pretty bland. I like the original two Pooh movies, can't stand most of the rest, and this one, judging by the trailer, looks like...most of the rest. Once again, it looks like WDAS and Lasseter are coughing up a safe, boring, by-the-numbers movie (a la Princess and the Frog) and expecting everyone to get excited about it because it's 2D. Don't they understand that in order for 2D to really revive, the movies they make HAVE to be up to the quality of a Pinocchio or Lady and the Tramp? A standard '90's treatment just won't do. This is very disappointing...
Too much Pooh poo.
I loved the look of the backgrounds. This is a movie I'll look forward to taking my daughters to see next summer.
I like it. Very nostalgic.
Some people up in arms over them changing Christopher Robins eyes. What do you think Honor?
^actually from what i've gathered from various blogs (non-disney blogs mind you) is that people are actually wanting to go see this. I totally agree with them. I was pretty much indifferent to the film before the trailer but it caught me by surprise; i'm really excited for it now. The animation looks gorgeous and the nostalgia factor is sure to make this a winner. The only thing that i still don't understand is why Disney is releasing this alongside the Harry Potter movie. Didn't they learn anything from PatF and Avatar?
What about posting the new Tron trailer? Can't believe you didn't post it with all of the Tron news lately.
I think this film can be just as beautifully done as the original Pooh featurettes and it will still have the fatal flaw of having come after so much other Pooh crap. I hope that despite that, it's a great film and word of mouth brings it in. If the budget is truly as low as you say, perhaps a moderate showing will be enough to make it profitable. Ironically if it does well, won't we just get a resurgance of the Pooh tide (TV series, endless toys, etc..) that seems as if it's finally ebbed a bit?
(le sigh) People like you sure do know how to ruin good things, don't you, Anonymous #1?!
Shame on you!
Ugh... this will seem rather nostalgic to longtime fans, but for me... I'm going to stay far, far away from this film. I don't even normally do midnight showings, but I'm going to the HP midnight showing just so I can avoid all the people talking about all this "'Winnie the Pooh' is back" crap.
I couldn't disagree more, Anonymous #1! This looks perfectly classic, a small and simple feature, and that's just what it's meant to be. I don't think it's safe or boring - in fact, I think it's brave that they're doing something in the true style of those decades-ago movies, and not the over-the-top, big budget Broadway style films that some would say are more bankable.
This looks like a film with heart - I'm kind of getting a Where the Wild Things Are vibe from the trailer. The release date is unfortunate, but I expect the studio is expecting DVD sales to be the money-maker here.
Hmmm, I like it, but the animation looks too much like it has been done in ToonDisney Studios :(
And why do they add a song of Keane? I love that group and their music, but this is a Disney movie, the song doesn't belong in the trailer... I guesss the people from Rapunzel are doing the marketing for this one too...
To be honest, I'm SO looking forward to this :)
You know, Disney should do a 2d movie staring Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Pluto and Minnie. they SHOULDN'T let marketing walk over it.
It could be in the same budget range as the current Pooh film. And it should appeal to all audiences, not just one demographic.
It would be a classic, and open up thecharacters to a new generation.
John, are you reading this?
It's a shockingly good trailer, for Winnie the Pooh of all things. Seriously, the one trailer you'd think they'd pander to the little kids, they instead aim at nostalgic, older audiences. The song in particular is amazingly effective.
The "Where the Wild Things" trailer comparison is very apt.
And it's very nice to see the "Winnie the Pooh" characters animated well for the first time in years. Dig up any of the more recent Pooh features, and see how stiff and bland the animation really is.
Sigh... I am disappointed with how many people are *excited* about this movie. No, scratch that. APPALLED is more like it.
See, Winnie the Pooh has been made into movies and shorts far more than enough times. I liked "The Tigger Movie," but other than that, I'm not a big fan of Pooh. (I don't even watch that one anymore.)
Pooh is for kids. That's the hugest problem. And adults will only be interested in that due to the nostalgia that they'll have from watching the original ones from when they were young. Sick. Really sick.
I thoroughly liked Winnie the Pooh when I was a little kid. But, honestly, I've gotten too old for it. How many of you commentator dolts are kids? OUT WITH IT!
I feel the same way about so-called adults who wet their pants over the new Muppet movie...WTF???
Some peope like nostalgia. Just because you can't understand it. Doesn't mean it isn't legitimate.
I really wasn't sure what to expect from the trailer for this. After all the Toon-Disney films done and dumbing down of the characters for toddlers it's a joy to see these characters in the same light as they were first introduced to us by Disney.
On second hand though. Disney has been saying they are making this film in the same veign as the original pooh film. So I shouldn't really be all that surprise that it was presenting this way.
I'm really surprised no one has brought up the changing of Christopher Robins eyes. Did no one else notice?
It doesn't bug me terribly. Im just curious why they though it was necessary.
I'm not as ticked off about Muppets as Pooh, but I have to agree with you...
See it's funny, because people like you two^^ (Anon 2:43 and 4:20) are really the ones who need to grow up.
Is it wrong for a "so-called adult" to like something that, yes, is definitely made for kids? Is it wrong for a grown man to genuinely enjoy Winnie-the-Pooh? While nostalgia will always play a big part in something like this, I for one honestly am entertained by Pooh. I think Pooh Bear and Eeyore are legitimately funny. Not modern hip funny, but cold, dry humour funny.
But, because Winnie the Pooh is "for kids", that makes me "sick"?
I wish some people were able to be unafraid of being in touch with their 'inner child'.
I feel really sorry for people like Darrell. What a miserable existence, where one categorizes wistful nostalgia - common to most adults with hearts (and especially to those with kids) as "sick."
Someone's sick and possibly in need of counseling - but it's not the folks smiling at this trailer.
"Sick. Really sick."
"I feel the same way about so-called adults who wet their pants over the new Muppet movie...WTF???"
Ok guys, it's ok... take a deep breath... back away from the internet... go outside... and get some fresh air.
How many of you commentator dolts are kids? OUT WITH IT!
See, this is what I like about the comments section here: there's such a respect for differences of
opinion. Thank you so much, fellow commentator dolt.
"What a miserable existence, where one categorizes wistful nostalgia - common to most adults with hearts (and especially to those with kids) as "sick.""
*I DON'T HAVE KIDS.* Maybe I should point that out... and I'm not really an adult yet either.
And I was a little nostalgic about Toy Story 3... since I did grow up around the time that the original two were coming out. And those are NOT kiddie movies. They are made both for kids and adults. Pooh isn't.
Just because I don't have kids, and I'm not entirely an adult... does that alone make my life an miserable existence because I have *very little* nostalgia? NO. You'll just have to wait until I'm 30. Now shut up with that crap.
Darrell - no, it doesn't make your life a miserable existence because you have *very little* nostalgia. That's not what was said.
What makes your life a miserable existence is the fact you think people who DO have a strong sense of nostalgia are "sick. Really sick."
Basically, you don't have any respect for someone who does like this. The fact that I, a 20 year old male, am excited about this, is "sick" to you? That's sad. What difference does that make in your life?
The question is: WHY do some "adults" get excited about what is clearly a bland imitation of what's already been done? The animation in this trailer is not nearly as good as the animation in the first Pooh cartoon - it lacks the deft comic acting, drawing strength and personality. The earlier animation gave even gave each character a distinctive way of moving - such as Pooh's stiff-legged teddy bear walk - but in this trailer, it's all generic, workmanlike and uninteresting. Yet some of you guys here watch it and go "squee!!!" It's irrational, as is some adults' reactions to this new Muppet movie. In truth, could *anything* the Muppets do now POSSIBLY be as good as when Jim Henson and Frank Oz performed Kermit and Miss Piggy? Do the new performers even come CLOSE to their artistry? If you've got eyes and ears, the answer can only be "No", and yet some chumps just can't WAIT for this new movie because they watched the Muppets as kids and imagine that somehow, someway, because they really want it to, it'll be just as good. I wouldn't go so far as to call that reaction "sick", but I would call it "nuts".
Okay... maybe people are misunderstanding a little. People are thinking that when I say "sick, really sick" I mean THEM.
Heck no.
Let me rewrite the paragraph where I said that, and try to make things a little clearer (although it still probably won't make people like the idiot Anonymous who called my existence miserable any happier).
Pooh is for kids. That's the biggest problem. And adults will only be interested due to all the nostalgia that they'll have from watching the original cartoons when they were young. This is just sick. Really sick.
That is referring to WHY the people are going to see Pooh... just because of nostalgia. NOT THE PEOPLE THEMSELVES! Get it straight! Pooh is the main problem... with nostalgia perhaps being a symptom.
I try not to have an inner child. It's just stupid... or at least, to someone my age. And don't all of you start calling me sick just because I think this new Pooh idea sucks or because I don't have an inner child right now.
"WHY do some "adults" get excited about what is clearly a bland imitation of what's already been done?"
I applaud to this, and everything else the guy said.
Apparently Honor doesn't moderate comments anymore since he let the trolls in.
Some people just want to watch the world burn.
"Apparently Honor doesn't moderate comments anymore since he let the trolls in."
You think I am a troll? No way. None of us are. People like me and some of the Anonymous commentators are the side of the argument that aren't excited about this.
You want trolling, I would give it to you... if not for the fact that comment moderation *is* still on board.
Darrell, if you say you have no inner child and you say you like Disney in the same sentence, then you are a fool. Walt Disney said time and time again that is what he wanted to do for adults help them reach their inner child.
I feel sorry for you.
Darrell is like Peter Pan in Hook... he grew up and forgot how to have an imagination.
It is really sad to see someone that thinks the inner child is a bad thing. That just doesn't even make any sense to me.
It's one thing to say you're not excited about this. It's another to call those who are excited, sick, childish, or immature and other things.
If you're not excited about something then just say you're not excited about it and say why. Don't go talking trash about those that disagree with you.
I voice my opinion... and say that I'm not excited about this... and I say why. And that's where I said the word "sick."
And suddenly, people start hurling their retorts at me like heck. So what do I do? I give them a piece of my mind instead of acting like a coward.
Obviously we're not speaking the same language. I'm speaking English, most of you are speaking I-will-hurl-insulting-retorts-at-Darrell-just-because-he-dislikes-Pooh-and-has-no-inner-child-lish.
Honor really needs to post some new scoops. This argument is so yesterday's news.
Ohhh, somebody's inner child is throwing a tantrum and calling people names!
That's a big time-out for you, mister!
Yeah, like the new Cars 2 trailer that'll be hear tomorrow... I'M SO EXCITED!!!!
so has anyone seen the new image from cars 2?
the teaser poster for the next pirates?
the banning of text messaging and other distractors for drivers at disney world property??
oh and there's also been a bajillion new trailers/videos/photos/stuff about Tangled
New Muppet Movie images and information.
not to mention a new Tron: Legacy trailer
Wow, the Muppet movie already looks stupid. Big surprise!
Tangled at least looks beautiful.
Tron:Legacy...will this appeal to people who aren't internet/videogame nerds? Can Disney make money from this film if it doesn't? That IS the question...
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