Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Deeper Into The Grid...

3rd Time's the charm... 

Walt Disney Pictures is moving forward with the franchise...

Tron Lives!  Not that it wasn't already in development.  But Alan Horn has decided to move forward with the sequel to the sequel.  It's been in development for a while.  David DiGilio (Eight Below) did the previous draft of the script, but The Hollywood Reporter's Heat Vision blog is reporting the Mouse has hired Jesse Wigutow to write the latest revision.  We don't know if it's a complete rewrite or a polish of DiGilio's version.  But the project is moving forward with a new writer and Joseph Kosinski still attached to direct the sequel.

Production on the sequel won't begin for months, presuming this draft of the Tron franchise is green lit, the earliest it will be shooting is late 2013/early 2014.  That means the release date for TR3N will likely be in 2015.  That's five years since "Tron: Legacy" came out.

Still, at least it's not twenty-eight years like between Legacy and the original...


Anonymous said...

why are they making another sequel? Did the second one make enough money? Did anyone like the movie at all?

Allan said...

2015 will be a big year for Disney then wouldn't it? Avengers 2, Star Wars 7 and now Tr3n.

All of these films will want to have their own release dates and I wonder, with the usual Pixar and Disney's own releases, will there be enough release dates in a year for Disney?

Dude Abides said...

It was a hit, but more of a modest one that Disney expected. That's the reason it's taken them this long to decide to go ahead with it.

nojarama said...

This makes me very happy!

Anonymous said...

Awesome news!

Anonymous said...

Won't happen. And if it does, please get someone who can direct or at least tell a coherent story. That last one and that dumb kids cartoon are AWFUL.

Unknown said...

Marvel, Star Wars, and now more Tron???

I think Disney is far enough into the boys' demographic for their liking. Now how about doing something for the girls that doesn't revolve around television?? Like, for instance, that Enchanted sequel?

Anonymous said...

The Tron sequel was terrible. One of those rare occasions where I was glad when the movie was over. Unless they get some fresh perspective on the "franchise" I won't even bother with another sequel.

Tesler said...

I happened to have liked it. A lot, actually.

I think it's way better than the first one, which had a nice concept, but a horrid script. The dialogue alone was like listening to bricks falling.

Anonymous said...

I hear Disney's rebooting The Devil and Max Devlin, with David Fincher directing. And Christopher Nolan's rebooting The Last Flight of Noah's Ark!

Anonymous said...

Most people who suffered thru Trond legacy did not like it. Especially the cheap looking visuals.

Anonymous said...

All of you guys are smoking rocks...the movie was what it was a simple movie with graphics and simple storyline. What were you expecting? The Godfather? The reason the movie didnt make the money was because it was made 20-25 years after the first one and there was enough action but the graphics and the soundtrack were the sh*t. And tron uprising was cool too. I'm a huge fan of tron and I hope they make more. Stop being a bunch of haters!