Another trailer is out for Walt Disney Pictures adaptation of the fairy tale/film segment "Sorcerer's Apprentice" and it looks interesting...
I'll be the first to admit I was very sceptical when I heard about them making this, but after seeing these trailers I'm willing to hold my opinion until I've at least seen it. The trailers aren't what I expected and are at least intriguing to my open mind.
After all, Disney has made magic before and perhaps with this it will again...
This looks absolutely horrible. It has absolutely nothing at all in common with the original Fantasia segment from which the title is obviously derived in order to cash in on its namesake. When I clicked on the trailer I was expecting to see Mickey animated with some Pixar-like 3D computer animation and hear the old familiar Leopold Stokowski music, instead I get Nick F-ing Cage, the worst f-ing actor on the planet, pretentiously conjuring magic while standing on rooftops like he's f-ing Batman. Next week, Disney execs will pillage Pete's Dragon in a film about a real dragon living in modern-day New York City who is befriended by a grungy cab driver played by, you guessed it, Nick F-ing Cage. Damn you Disney!
Will the sequel be called "Sorcerer's Apprentice 2: Pastoral Symphony?"
Nicolas Cage is pretentious and irritating . . . therefore a perfect cast for this version of the Sorcerer. Love the cagey brown coat and the grating winks. I'm crossing my fingers as well that this is finally a use of a dragon to rival the staid brilliance of Marc Davis in staging and animating Maleficent's monstrous apparition. Please no quick editing and rushed movements, just pure awesomeness.
it may not have much in common with the original from fantasia. But I have to be honest, when I saw the first trailer it had a very intriguing look and premise. I think it'll turn out to be a fun movie.
Wow, someone needed to vent! :-O
I'll take a wait-and-see approach here, based on the other principles involved in this film, mainly Bruckheimer, Turteltaub, and Molina, who's a great actor and doesn't get nearly the respect he deserves.
It might actually work, in spite of Cage.
to be honest when i saw the first trailer i was pleasantly surprised. I am looking forward to this, and feel it'll be a fun movie.
Good to have you back - respect and enjoy your brief and insightful commentary!
I'm liking it!
Just wish they'd called it something else :).
Do people realise this isn't based on Fantasia?
Both the film and the Mickey segment do share their source material, but Mickey isn't the source material for this film.
It's a pre-existing story.
there will be small references to the fantasia short. but this isn't a walt disney original story, this fable goes back many a year.
either way, a good movie is a good movie and a good trailer is a good trailer. this is a good trailer, looks like it might be a good movie. i'm looking forward to it.
Oh spare me the "Orgianal sorce material" bit. This movie has nothing to do with the orginial poem by Goth, except maybe that there is a Socerer's whose apprentice starts playing around with magic and then realizes he doesn't know how to control it.
Honestly, if you read the poem, the Mickey short was surprisingly faithful to the tale.
I'm not going to say that this movie sucks before I see it. I will just say that I'm not a fan of Nick Cage because the guy can't act. And no, this movie has nothing to do with the orginial material. My hopes for it are not high. If I see it, it will be on DVD.
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