Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Star Wars 3 Battlefronts...

Yes, I know many were disappointed that Battlefront 3 won't be out till 2015…

And from what I hear it will look pretty impressive. But a little news to tide you over till then that just might make you a little happier, that game isn't the only one that Electronic Arts has planned for you.

In fact, they have a couple more plan for you.

They won't be released anytime soon, and they are in an embryonic stage at this time, but there are a total of three games in development at the gaming studio.  The plans are evolving and nothing is set in stone of course, but there are other games already on the fast track. one of them is a space action shooter, and you can guess what that would be about, and the other is currently being developed as a online role playing game.  Neither game is a continuation of any former series, at least as of right now.

So in addition to DICE's Battlefront game, two other development teams are fast at work to give you even more fun with the Force.  Well the details are scarce right now, but plans are for one of these titles to be released early 2016, or late 2016.  That could change, as videogame releases tend to be quite mercurial.  At this time neither game is definitively scheduled to be released before the other, but they are both actively being worked on by game planners and Suits at Lucasfilm.

Yes, even Kathleen Kennedy is providing input on some of these titles.  And I've heard that there is talk of the screenwriters helping out with suggestions as well.  It is unknown right now if J.J. Abrams will have any input, but with his micromanaging of all things Bad Robot it is likely.

It appears that the Force will be with us a lot more than just on the battlefront…


Mazenda said...

OK, came to see a good news about Battlefronts. But heard something opposite. Anyway finger crossed.

Anonymous said...

So we are looking at a Tie Fighter style game ? That would be great