It appears Chris Williams' American Dog is in the process of getting a name. A new name, other than "American Dog" that is. The movie is up on reels and gets screened soon by the Big Wigs in Pixar and WDAS. Chris is probably biting his nails right now waiting to see how John, Brad, Andrew, Pete, Glene and several others feel about what he's done since taking over from Chris Sanders.
When will we see a trailer for this? I thought it was coming out in a year?
Pixar usually puts out a trailer for their next pic with the current one.
The soon to be name changed, American Dog will be released in Fall 2008. The reason that there was no trailer released is simple. There was no animation done in time for one to be put out. Chris Sanders had been let go and Chris Williams was busy boarding the movie so he could have a story ready to show Lasseter and crew. If they like the new version that they take a look at soon, animation will move forward. If that happens, they should have something to show the public in the fall. If that happens... then we'll most likely see a trailer in October/November. I'd bet that Enchanted would be a good candidate to have a trailer in front of.
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