Monday, March 10, 2008

First Class Job...

The LA Times has a nice article up about the Walt Disney Company's Annual Shareholders Meeting in Albuquerque the other day. It's an intriguing piece about the Mouse and the running of it by CEO Bob Iger.

Interesting read...


Jennifer said...

Wow -- thanks for posting this; it was reassuring to see this kind of support (based on good business principles) for Iger. Can't say I'm totally wild about current top management for the parks (WDW in particular), but a strong core Disney is critically important.

Anonymous said...

Stop dissing park management, please! They're not all that bad!

Anonymous said...

You're right. There is one person there that is good. Oh wait. He just quit a little while ago. We miss you Greg Emmer!

Anonymous said...

Please don't criticize me, Ozwalt.