Sunday, January 17, 2010

A Glimpse Into A Future Past Never To Be...

I know many are saddened that "King of the Elves" got put into turnaround, but nothing ever dies in Hollywood...

It may rise again at a later date or in another incarnation. Just like WDI happens to always find places for projects that got canceled in earlier forms. Some day we might see Phillip K. Dick's fantasy short story come to life.

Until then, take a look at some of the character designs that Rune Brandt did for the development.

Not exactly Middle Earth Elves, are they...

Hat Tip to Cathicks.


Brian said...

Some character design art. Very nice.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a green King Louie hiding in a bunch of plants to me.

Youzney said...

You shouldn't bury this underneath your uber long article above. Such a waste really. I nearly missed this and I'm sure others may too.

Very nice though.

Honor Hunter said...

Uber long article, huh?

You have trouble reading pictures I guess?


Youzney said...

Err. its the pictures thats making it long.

Point is. A nice new piece of art should be up top for a while where we can see it without scrolling past a collection of posters I;ve seen before..

Does that not make sense to you?

Don;t mock your readers.

Folly Bolly said...

Perhaps his readers shouldn't be so thin skinned and have a sense of humor?

I love the use of posters, btw.