The young wizard, Harry Potter ruled the box office this weekend in his attempt to foil "He who cannot be named"...
Coming in first, to no ones surprise is "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" with $140 million in America and $190 million around the world for a five day take of $330 million. I guess magic is always popular wether it's made by a wizard or Disney, hmmm? "Transformers" was second with $222 million domestic and $97 million international for a total $320 million so far. Pixar's little rat came in third as we expected, much to the surprise of many skeptics it's pulled in $143 million at home with a limited international release that's garnered $17 million for a combined 161 million worldwide. The film has yet to open in several markets overseas and appears to have a good wind so far. We don't yet know if it'll match "Cars" domestic take but it's performing admirably so far against a great deal of summer competition. There are no more release hurdles "Ratatouille" has to overcome... from now till the end of summer it's just a matter of how strong its legs are.
Ratatouille will still have competition with Hairspray, The Simpson's Movie, Underdog, The Bourne Ultimatum, Stardust, and I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry which will steal a great deal of the film's adult audience.
Hairspray will not be the type of competition Ratatouille will have to worry about. Underdog I am unsure how it'll affect box office results. The Simpson's Movie will be competition... Chuch and Larry will not take away any of the audience because it's an adult film... Ratatouille appeals to the family part of that audience so I'm not worried about that one.
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