On this day...
Seventeen years ago James Macdonald, the man who took over for Walt Disney doing the voice of Mickey Mouse passes away in Glendale, California. He was 84 and had been a sound effects artist at the Walt Disney Studios for more than fifty years. He became the voice of Mickey when Walt decided he no longer had the time to do it with all the animation features and live-action projects he was producing. Oh, and in the back of his mind he was working on that little idea for a park...
Macdonald took over and never missed a beat. Until his heart did. He will be missed.
Jimmy Macdonald was a great talent. We enjoyed his sound effects inventions at the EMP in Seattle last year.
He was a great talent. But when you read this "Macdonald took over and never missed a beat. Until his heart did. He will be missed." One can't help but giggle.
Jimmy was a genius in his own right. If you pick up "The Love Bug" 2 DVD set, you can see Jimmy talk about making sound for Disney movies.
A true Legend.
Many talented people who worked at Disney are only being respected after they are gone, it is a shame we didn't appreciate them when they were around.
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