Between the wonderful work of a governor that couldn't control spending and a legislature that couldn't stop spending, the Golden State of California has gotten itself into a Herculean budget crisis.
According to the Los Angeles Times, they're now talking about a tax on entertainment that will affect all aspects of it...
Including theme parks.
Lovely. Just Lovely. I'm sure the politicians up in Sacramento that have never ran a company and never had to meet a budget know exactly how this will hurt business for the parks, both Disney and everyone else's.
How much could this affect the price of admission?
A one day Ticket to one park at the Disneyland Resort would go from $66 to more than $70 dollars, a ParkHopper ticket would go from $91 to almost a 100 dollars and a Premium Annual Pass would increase from $379 to well over $400. These legislators really have absolutely no understanding how something like this could drag down attendance and thus the economy even more.
This plan isn't just stupid... it's absolutely goofy.
well if thats the case then, disney should upscale those politicians and decrease their ticket prices so nothing will change at all for the guest that comes into the park. that'd be the smart thing to do.
They lower the price, they lower the profits. NOT going to happen.
They'd never do it.
this is such a goofy blog, so disney centric. why didnt the politicians think of the poor disney corporation?
this issue of those criminals in Sacramento and their efforts to tax everything they can think of is more about government gangsterism than just the poor disney parks. those demented felons want to employ robots that give you a speeding ticket every time you break it slightly, they want to tax all the prepared food they dont tax already. the scum on top mafiotic gangsters personally sent officer mendoza to give me a worse than a farce 45 dollar ticket for parking in front of my own house, oy vey
"well if thats the case then, disney should upscale those politicians and decrease their ticket prices so nothing will change at all for the guest that comes into the park."
Would never happen. The tax is always passed on to the consumer.
"this is such a goofy blog, so disney centric."
You mean a blog called Blue Sky Disney is Disney-centric. Well, I never!
The entire state has a poorly constructed tax system. I understand and appreciate the idea of not taxing people out of their homes, but it's completely insane that owners of two homes of equal value can pay drastically different values in property tax ($500 versus $13000, for example) based on how long the person lived there. That's just plain inequitable.
Moving blame aside, *if* they are going to add a new tax there--they really should be more reasonable. A tax of $1 a ticket will still bring in millions!
Don't go insulting Goofy by associating him with politicians!
In Orlando you already have to pay 6.5% sales tax on theme park tickets.
It is about time California starts to take the tax burden off of lower class citizens and puts it on tourists and the more affluent
Yes in Orlando and in Florida they have a sales tax, but you forget that the state doesn't have an income tax. This is a huge advantage(and a reason why many people flock to live there).
California has the highest personal state income tax in the nation. In addition to this they also have a sales tax which goes on most items. So it's not like it isn't already taxed.
I would gladly have California have the tax system that Florida uses...
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