Sunday, February 3, 2008

WED Weds Walt Disney Productions...

On this day...

Forty-two years ago, Walt Disney's WED Enterprises, becomes a part of Walt Disney Productions. Walt himself founded and owned WED since forming it in 1952 to start creating plans for his new theme park. In the mid 80's, Michael Eisner will have WED's name changed to Walt Disney Imagineering. Incidentally, the moniker WED were the initials of Walt's name if you didn't know...


Klark Kent 007 said...

Whatever happened to Lassiter changing the name back?

Anonymous said...

That was just a rumor that another overzealous and ungrateful fan made up, Klark Kent.

Imagineering is still Imagineering no matter what the division's name is... and I can't see WDI changing its name back to WED anytime in the future.