Today, Memorial Day, we honor and pay our respects to those that put on the uniform and place themselves in harm's way so as to protect the freedoms we take for granted.

Bless all those that serve and may God's hand keep you safe from harm.

Thank you from Blue Sky Disney,
So now we know you're not only a tool for Di$ney but the Bu$h Administration and it's War Machine, Honor. Pathetic.
And now we know that you are an R-tard that is a tool for... no that's really it, your just a tool.
Who's a retard? Honor? Or the idiot that made that comment about him being a tool for Bush? Some people can't even keep politics out of honoring our men and women in uniform sadly.
My comment was aimed at the coward "anonymous" who if he wants to make comments ripping into Honor, shouldn't visit this site.
I am the "anonymous" that you are referring to Brian and I don't post my name because I don't want to have all nanny boys harrasing me. Kind of like you are now. I don't want any of you guys Jack-booted Thugs showing up to take me into some secret torturing place like Bush did to those poor Iraqis. What happened to free speech? You and all the other Rightwingers want to round up anyone that disagrees with you and put them in concentration camps! You disgust me. It's you people that are a danger to freedom and people's rights. If there was any fairness in this country the congress would enact legislation that would keep dangerous people like you from being able to hurt others. Honor is only one example of the kind of retard as you call it that steps up for these babykilling brutes. We don't need these kind of barbarians running around the world and causing more problems for us. Helping to perpetuate the myth that these military men are anything more than heartless and cruel is a crime. Imagine what the world would look like had we not spent all this money on these weapons to bomb innocent people? Do you really think the world would hate us so much had we used that money to help get the middle east out of the poverty it's in? Think of all the poor Palestinians that wouldn't be bombing Israel if they weren't deprived of decent living conditions? I usually don't come to blogs as most are boring. I found this one a few months ago and read many of the back posts and was shocked to find how nationalistic Honor seems. I tend to come here once or twice a week to see what American tripe he spews out. On days like this, when he tows the Republican party line and tries telling lie after lie so as to recruit more innocent people to die for a lie is sick. I can't wait to see his post for July 4th when he can wrap himself in the flag and you mind-numbed robots can just lap it up. Wake up and smell the reality. You're just a bunch of cogs in a war machine. Until you stop being one this problem will never disappear.
You know, I was going to delete this post, but I think anyone with the slightest bit of intelligence that reads it knows what kind of person it's coming from.
So everyone... please read it. Please.
What's more appropriate on a site dedicated to the magic of Walt Disney than a honest-to-gosh troll siting?
He came out from under the bridge, and started waving his arms for attention. Look, there's the troll, now!
And he made a magic flame! Pretty.
Haha the guy didn't even mention Bush. You can support the troops without supporting the war.
Though that American war propaganda has always seemed creepy to me.
Oh wait, he hates the troops too. Haha.
Wow. I am going to take a wild guess and say that you, Anonymous, have no family fighting to protect our freedom. Because if you did you would realize that these men and women do not enjoy the life they live. They work hard and work constantly to keep the freedom of speech you hold so dear. It is because of them that you can say what you have. They do not choose to fight an endless fight and would rather be home with family and friends.
If you are to blame anyone, blame the government and the corrupt politicians that run this country. I think most would agree the system is broken, but loving the country we live in does not mean we support the people who run it. It means we support the ideals that our forefathers and the makers of this great country had in mind. We have strayed away from those, but is does not mean we cannot honor them and continue to hold them high.
So when you began to criticize someone for being a patriot, remember that these are the people that have died or would die if given the chance, for me, and for you. My brother is coming home for good and I am glad to say that he has protected us from others that would like destroy our livelihood.
God Bless you, and
Gob Bless America.
What a bunch of ignorant tripe. Anonymous, you need to grow up and learn about the world. The main thing that people like you fail to remember is that sometimes war is necessary. We would all be speaking German if not for the brave soldiers that gave EVERYTHING for their country to defend the rights of their fellow humans. There is no greater sacrifice, in my opinion. Whether or not you agree with the motivations behind the war we are currently fighting, it doesn't take much intelligence to realize that the soldiers aren't responsible. These people deserve our ultimate respect. Words cannot sufficiently express my gratitude for those men and women who choose to serve this great country.
Oh for the love of pete,
How many times are you Rightwingers going to use that German line? World War II was like a hundred years ago almost! The world has changed. We now have a better perspective and can see the mistakes that the US made in getting into that mess. Please don't use that tired line anymore. It's sad you are so desperate to justify Bu$h's lies by spouting this.
And the last time you voted to make a difference in the country was when, Anonymous? Truly if you have such an issue with how things are, then use that mouth for good rather than spewing "anonymously" on a blog. That's half the issue - people talking vs. taking action.
And thanks to the brave men and women that go where our leaders send them - even if they think it's wrong. Their integrity and honor far surpasses yours.
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