The official website for Pixar Canada has opened up...
So the Lamp is open for business and looking for animators to work on some of those upcoming projects Emeryville's most famous residents are too busy to work on?
Good times for Pixar South, I guess...
Hat Tip to Upcoming Pixar.
Good luck to them! :)
Yay jobs going north, outsourcing is great, yay!!! :(
Seriously, it's just another example of outsourcing. Orlando would have been a much better choice. Or NY...TONS of amazing talent there! I am a Lassetter fan, but no one should hold all the keys to the kingdom.
Canada offers corporate tax breaks that individual US states cannot compete with, as well as labor costs which are significantly lower than even non-union jobs in E-Ville.
Disney/Pixar may crow today about feature animation never being done in Canada, but that's only for the short term.
Once Pixar Canada gets settled and the employees are adequately trained and get some film shorts/DVD content experience under their belts, they will get more and more of E-Ville's pie.
Iger is desperate to keep cutting costs, and Pixar Canada will always be cheaper to operate. The slow, upward trickle of work to the northern campus is inevitable.
I mentioned this in another thread but Disney has a building in Orlando that was built with digital animation in mind. Why not Pixar East and redo the tour so guests could see how Pixar films are made.. win-win
The 1st bit of Pixar is chipped away...
/\ Oh, don't be so dramatic MoonRaker. The poetic figures of speech are interesting to read, but they accomplish nothing.
The whole "doomsday" attitude is not productive.
To all people who are concerned;
You should try writing to Disney/Pixar and tell them how you feel. Voice your concerns and whatnot.
Seriously, its worth a try, and its more productive than just typing away on a comments section or a message board.
"You should try writing to Disney/Pixar and tell them how you feel. Voice your concerns and whatnot. "
Of course! It worked so well for the "Save Mr. Toad" campaign at WDW.
Well i'm concerned that this might end up working against Pixar. I feel this was a problem during the Disney Feature Animation days with studios in Paris and Florida.
Just hope that a) the properties aren't over-abused
b) Pixar remain Pixar
c) They don't give up all short projects at (the main) Pixar. - I would like to see them provide an 'answer' to Disney's Prep and Landing someday with their on x-mas special - handled by the same guys as their feature films.
Am I asking for too much?
There's no need for sarcasm.
Did I EVER say that it would guarantee a change? No.
The point is, it lets them KNOW that people are unhappy.
So what if people complain about it on the Internet? Most people on the Internet are ALWAYS unhappy, no matter what.*
(*Just TRY and prove me wrong. You can't)
It doesn't hurt anything to write in.
Volume is the key. Now in a case like this, it probably won't change anything, but if enough people contact them they will know that people are unhappy with the whole Pixar-Canada thing.
SOMETIMES writing letters does make a difference.
As for Mr. Toad in WDW;
If nothing else, there is a Toad tribute in the Pooh ride, so that acknowledges that they knew people would miss him. Besides, Mr. Toad's ride still exists in Disneyland.
And hey, I'm not trying to be cold, I wish that The Country Bears were still at Disneyland.
When imagineers remove an old attraction to put in a new one, theoretically, it should be "better" than the old one. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. Sometimes "bad" is just in the eye of the beholder, other times its obvious...
...Lets just hope with the new management those days are behind us.
"/\ Oh, don't be so dramatic MoonRaker. The poetic figures of speech are interesting to read, but they accomplish nothing.
The whole "doomsday" attitude is not productive."
It's a message board on a blog... being productive isn't the goal...
sjwatsi, No, I don't think you are asking for too much. :)
"It's a message board on a blog... being productive isn't the goal..."
Being productive isn't the goal if you don't want to try to make a difference and make your voice heard.
I guess people just like to complain.
If that is the case, people should be happy whenever there is something bad happening in the world of Disney, because if there wasen't, then people would have nothing to complain about and their message board lives would be over.
Look, even Honor Hunter has said in the past that its important for one to make their voice heard and write in to Disney if they want things to change.
He has said, don't just whine on a message board, voice your concerns by writing letters!
Anyway, I've said all I care to say here.
Hopefully, Pixar in Emerville will stick to the major work, like feature films.
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