Yes, you heard that right...
There will be a sequel of sorts to Pixar's animated treasure "Up" that will be hand drawn. Sort of...
It's called "George and AJ." And it actually is only about four minutes and five seconds long. And I believe if you buy the DVD you will find it over at Apple's iTunes as a commemorative of the release with the digital version of the film. Or you can just click HERE and watch it through the magic of YouTube.
Relax, it's Pixar. Enjoy...
Hat Tip to /Film.
Really? Cause I have the DVD but can't find such thing on mine :'(
Did you watch this, Honor? Calling this hand drawn, or even animated is pretty misleading.
It's a very cute short, Anonymous...
And it was hand drawn. They may have used something like flash to put it together and it is crude, but it's clever and well thought out like all Pixar films.
It was an abandoned sequence from the film. These are the storyboards they had done for it with added simple animation. After Effects was probably used.
That was quite enjoyable. The news ticker is a rather humorous detail.
True- perhaps your using the term handdrawn was a deliberate choice, as opposed to calling it traditional. Still seems a bit misleading though.
I saw this on Facebook a few days ago. Very funny.
It was quite clever and adorable, but calling it hand-drawn is a bit of a misnomer. The drawings all look to have been done via tablet, and then assembled via flash; similar to South Park. Still hand drawn in a sense, but distinctly different.
The term "hand drawn" comes with certain connotations, so I was bexpecting fluid, laboriously intensive hand-drawn stuff. Not your fault, you did make a point to say "Sort of..." afterwords, I just rushed headlong at the mere mention of "hand-drawn pixar's 'Up' animated short" ;D
However, the humor is vintage pixar, and the animation and general production look like they were done on a shoe-string budget, almost as a little side project by a small group of animators. I think it's great that they would put together something like this for the DVD.
All guys, lighten up!
Honor was being humorous as usual. I mean, he mentioned that there was a hand drawn sequel to Up as something to make us go: "What?"
Because that would turn heads. And you notice that it's a short. Everyone seems to act like he's misleading you or something. Have you really paid attention to his titles in his posts? They're all puns or coy plays on words. Great little short from Pixar as usual. And great post, Honor!
I want to get to know every one of these old people. They know how to let loose, cut a rug, and attach explode things things in Hollywood without resorting to pyrotechnics. They're the best.
Well, yea, it is hand drawn,
but it seems more like an animated storyboard, which I think is pretty cool.
I wish they had chosen to animated this fully and make it the official short for UP (replacing or joining Dugs Special Mission). Now THAT wouldve been great
Considering the talent and skills available at Pixar, I'm surprised at the relatively simplistic "animation" used. I would expect a LOT better example of animation coming from there. The sort of things that they release as shorts before their films (Tin Toy, Luxo Jr, Knick Knack, One Man Band, Presto, etc.). Those are the sort of thing that they do to showcase their advancements.
That clip is what I would expect from any animation wannabe who has access to simple computer applications. Much like what's available on Adult Swim or You Tube.
"Up" was okay. The talking dog was the best part. You know what kicks the butt of "Up", though?
"Astro Boy".
No lie. Pixar gets all the love, but it doesn't make all the good CGI toons. "Astro Boy" beats "Up" all to hell in terms of character design, music, voice talent, involving storyline, appealing central character...well, it just beats it in everything.
I liked "Up", but I LOVED "Astro Boy", can't believe it, but there you are. Kids wanted to see it, I took 'em, and damn I loved that film. More fun, more heart, more action than anything else onscreen this year.
Can't wait to get the DVD. And FWIW, I won't be buying a DVD of "Up", any more than I bought a DVD of "Ratatouille" - saw 'em at the theater, pretty nice, but not worth 20 bucks because I really don't feel I have to see them again. So I thanks for posting the link, Honor. It's the only way I would have seen that little snippet.
We thought it was cute. I am sure Pixar never intended it to be a super detailed cartoon or short. Just something for fun after the fact. Have you ever seen A Veggie Tales Cartoon Larry Boy and The Angry Eyebrows? Pretty much the same simple animation.
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