Friday, November 27, 2009

Designs On Mars...

What planet are we on?

That'll be ten cents, please.
If this is real, it's cool...

If it's not, then it's still cool. Swanky cool. You've ever seen Pixar's headquarters then you've noticed they have a lot of banners and posters up of whatever movie is coming out...

They tend to have artist do concept work and inspirational pieces for the projects they're working on. Andrew Stanton according to this artist has brought that plan over to "John Carter of Mars" as well.

This is a poster-type concept piece that William Erik Evans said he did for Stanton and his crew. Note that it hearkens back to the old pulp magazines that first printed these stories by Edgar Rice Burroughs. This gives me a comforting feeling that Stanton is the right person to handle the material.

That's certainly inspirational to me...

Hat Tip to Super Punch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the retro look.