Wednesday, December 23, 2009

No Loss In Translation...

Don't matter what you look like, don't matter what you wear...

I love movie posters as most who come here know...

Disney's "The Princess and the Frog" has to be sold in international markets as well as America so they've created several different posters for different markets. I thought you'd enjoy seeing some of them.

Kissing would be nice, yes?
Dig a little deeper...

Hat Tip to IMP Awards.


Thomas Phillip said...

Wow. And Americas posters are so lame compared to these!

robert metzler said...

what they are saying for movie is in 2010 ? for the princess and the frog.

Anonymous said...

Interesting. The top poster says "Princessa Zhaba," which I think is Bulgarian for Frog Princess, and the next is "Princessa Liguchka," also Frog Princess, in Russian.

Anonymous said...

very unappealing.

Anonymous said...

Love the international art!

Chris Mitchell

Anonymous said...

That firefly is hideous.

t said...

He is actually one of the most endearing characters of the entire film...