This galaxy was real to me a generation ago...
Now, for those too young to remember it, or were not yet around, the galaxy of Star Wars will be released in glorious third dimension, making it all, uhm, realer? I wonder if it'll make "Phantom Menace" appear any better? Probably not, 3D may bring a new dimension to the saga, but it won't bring a better story sadly.
Lucasfilm will release them a year at a time starting in 2012 all the way through 2017. I'll start heading into the theater around 2014. I'll skip the first two parts as they hold no interest to me other than how not to make a film/how to screw up a franchise. But I bet someone will be out there the first night at the front of the line with his Episode One shirt and Boba Fett shorts on screaming: "Han shot first!" Now, if only Lucas would get that live-action series going. Or go to making those experimental films he's been talking about. Or even better yet, sell the company George. Don't think of this as the total of what Lucas plans turning into 3D either.
I hear whips and falling boulders could soon make the conversion as well...
George had no problems reworking the Episodes 4-6 years after the fact. Maybe with the 3D version he'll edit out the majority of Jar Jar Binks' scenes and add some ADR for some of the atrocious acting.
Dude, you go nuts about The Clone Wars and then pull this?
Better yet, sell the website Honor.
I think I already saw Episode 1 in 3D at Universal CityWalk. Didn't they already do that one in 3D or was that for IMAX?
To Anonymous above, The Clone Wars series is VERY well done, the prequels, not so much.
Jedited, you must be referring to the original animated Clone Wars series done by Genndy Tartakofsky a few years before the CGI show. That was better than the Prequels by far but the CGI animated Clone Wars is juvenile nonsense. As for Star Wars 3D, I have no desire to see the Prequels ever again so I would only pay to watch the originals.
"Dude, you go nuts about The Clone Wars and then pull this?"
You really need to go back and read the posts and not type what you think I said.
I've never been nuts about "Clone Wars," but I have said it's a lot better than I expected. Which it is. And it's a lot better than the Prequels. Which it isn't hard to be.
I prefer the hand drawn version of this, but although the show is uneven, there are pretty good episodes of the show and I'd take it any day over "Phantom Menace" and "Attack."
This has become pitiful. I don't believe that 3D alters the film experience enough to justify reworking 6 films.
GL should move on. If he can.
To Ben Kenobi, I Googled it and I was confusing it when they re-released some of the prequels on IMAX.
What!? Are you saying they're doing Raiders in 3D as well?
How many more times can Lucas rework the Star Wars Saga? What he should do is get to work on a new trilogy that takes place long after Episode VI. Han, Luke, and Leia will be older. Their kids would now be a new group of Jedi Knights. Leia would also have become a Jedi Knight. He better do it before they start dying. Harrison Ford is getting up there. So is Mark Hamill. That would be so awesome, but he would need to think about getting other people to direct.
The Anakin/Darth Vader story is getting tiresome. The character of Anakin isn't really likeable. He's a jerk. We all know what he ends up becoming. I'm getting tired of The Clone Wars. Every week there's some sort of battle with no end in sight. Like Afghanistan.
I'm getting tired of Star Wars... period. Enough is enough. It's run its course. The Expanded Universe already told the stories post Episode VI and they were pretty much crap. Lucas has milked the cow till the tit's run dry. George needs to just stop and retire and go drink margaritas on a beach in the Bahamas and enjoy what few years he has left and forget about work. He has biliions why does he feel he needs billions more? Lucas has more money than God. Please stop, George. Star Wars has become a joke.
In 3D, really? Not even hardcores take the films that seriously anymore. George would be better off making the prequels into a musical with gay camp humor, something along the lines of Wicked. The era of Darth anything ended a while ago. Sorry.
PS Could someone also tell the Disney people that so they can look beyond Star Tours to some other attraction that might eventually fill that space.
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