I've gotten a few e-mails asking me about the rumored insertion of "Tron Legacy" into the nightly World of Color show...
So let me set the record straight. No. It's not getting inserted into the night time water show, but it will be there to see. What? How can that be, you say? Well, it will be projected up there for all to see, but it won't be during the show. At least, that's what the Bothans have told me.
You remember how the show ends? When the finale happens and the lights come up there is a WOC logo while the fountains dance a bit, flashing different sorts of colors? As that happens people tend to watch the display as they exit Paradise Park. Well, that ending with the fountains won't be there. Instead the large mist sprays will be used to broadcast bits and pieces of the Tron Legacy trailer as an advertisement for the upcoming film. So essentially it's a product placement.
Quite literally, it's an aquatic trailer...
Still, it could be interesting to see it projected on the water.
Thanks for the info Honor.
Too bad they are doing a commercial after a great "magical" show. This makes WOC a littlbit less magic to me...
I guess money even makes the world of color go round...
Epic failure on Disneys part. This is a whole new level of product placement. Take the charm of a new show, and throw it out the door to advertise an upcoming film.
Sure, people wanna pull the Walt and Sleeping Beauty Castle advertising thing? That was done with the knowledge that the film would become a staple of Disney animation and the basis of Fantasyland itself. Walt wasn't playing the trailer for Sleeping Beauty on the screen after people saw Lincoln... (came later I know.)
I agree that in most cases it is a terrible idea, but since DCA is hosting ElecTRONica its not going to destroy WoC for me.
I doubt that anyone complained that Vitamin Water and Verizon logos were on either side of World of Color at the end following the private showing.
I only worry if they do this without an in-park tie in. Would anyone object to a Cars 2 trailer if Cars Land was already open?
Disney's "synergy" is rapidly crossing the line to advertising diarrhea.
Bothans? This video is on YouTube -- posted today as a matter of fact!
Yeah, the video may have been posted today, but Honor's article is dated after midnight. That means he would have had to write it yesterday, Anonymous.
And he didn't say anything about the images, he was correcting some people who heard rumors that it was part of the show. Please read what is said before you come to a conclusion, k?
**Epic failure on Disneys part. This is a whole new level of product placement. Take the charm of a new show, and throw it out the door to advertise an upcoming film.**
Welcome to the Iger era. Every show is a commercial. The Muppets and the Incredible Hulk will soon be taking over the parks, while Disney princesses become an endangered specie.
christ, I thought Eisner was a buttwad...
I saw the video online a few days ago. Not the full trailer but some kind of testing. Before this article was up.
Nether-the-less, Honors quite good with news so this clarification is useful.
Bunch of crybabies. There are advertising billboards all over Disney parks. Just because it isn't Tinklebell you fairies keep whining.
^Oh, go play with your Tron action figures. Grownups are talking.
^ No they're not. They're whining like spoiled little brats.
Your trolling is moot as a trailer about an upcoming Tinkerbell film would be just as bad.
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