Friday, September 17, 2010

The Third Clone...

Tonight the Cartoon Network debuts the third season of The Clone Wars to a wanting audience...

I can't wait to see how this ends. I sure hope the Republic beats back those evil Separatist. I want the Republic to win because they're in the right, you know. Don't know what would happen if those nasty rebels won. Gosh knows what would happen then, hmmm?

I've actually enjoyed this show far more than I expected. That said, I wish Lucasfilm would do some stories that involve a plot we don't know the ending to. How about some future adventures of Luke and Han? Or some forgotten tales of the Old Republic? The Star Wars Universe is vast and filled with opportunities that have yet to be explored. As much fun as I have watching this show, I find it hard to cheer for a man that kills a bunch of young kids when he turns out to be too ignorant to realize what he's been fighting for is a farce. For being so all powerful, Jedi Knights seem incredibly bad at noticing the obvious.

Watch it and give in to the Dark Side...


jedited said...

That's why I think the VERY best episodes have been the ones that focus on the clones themselves and don't feature the "main" characters.
I still think the VERY best episode so far was "Rookies" from the first season.

Dark Mall said...

I bet Decadent Dave is going to be in front of his tv with popcorn and a soda for this.

Not A Casual Fan said...

The series has improved since the pilot, but is still at best mediocre compared to other genre shows like AVATAR or KIM POSSIBLE. It doesn't have to be dark and gritty all the time, but *some* realism would be nice. If the Confederates keep losing, why does it take three years to end the war?

My biggest beef with the series though is that it is considered the official version of the Clone Wars, thus crapping all over previously established literature and continuity. There doesn't seem to be any concern about pissing off fans who happened to *like* those earlier works (and often liked them better than the prequel movies).

If you want some actual quality entertainment set in the time period, try the acclaimed Ostrander/Blackman/Ostrander run on the REPUBLIC comics, or the Apocalpyse-Now inspired novel SHATTERPOINT.

Filoni's THE CLONE WARS is not worthy to be in the same paragraph, and certainly not in the same timeline.

Darth Motherf!@#$er said...

I don't consider Filoni's Clone Wars to be canon at all, I don't care what George Lucas or LFL say. When I was a kid we knew absolutely nothing about what happened in the Clone Wars or what it was about other than the fact it somehow involved clones and that Obi-Wan had fought in them. Lucas yet again leaves nothing to the imagination and feels he has to fill in all the gaps. I much prefer Obi-Wan's vague and mysterious mention of them than seeing the weekly cartoon hijinx and what was shown in the Prequels. Lucas has reduced his once magnificent Star Wars into G.I. Joe so Hasbro can sell more toys. Star Wars was never intended to be G.I. Joe but it wouldn't surprise me if Destro and Cobra showed up in an episode. They are nearly indistinguishable.

Anonymous said...

"Star Wars was never intended to be G.I. Joe"

I guess that's why Star Wars toys have been a gigantic hit and pushed since the moment the 1st film came out in 1977.... yeah...

Gary Kurtz said...

It wasn't until Gary Kurtz left that the emphasis was really put on the toys. Once Lucas saw that he was making more from the toys than the box-office grosses he let that drive all of his "creative" decisions. That is the reason why Kurtz left during pre-production on Jedi due to creative differences. In other words, it was George's way or the highway so Kurtz picked up his bags and left and took the best part about the first two Star Wars films with him.