Those of you that go to DCA tonight to see World of Color are in for something special...
You see, tonight is supposed to be the last performance(s) of the "Troncore" trailer at the end of the show. While, as of now nothing has been green lit to take it's place, there are a couple of presentations that WDI is mulling over. We should see something to replace it by the time summer is upon us.
But for those of you that see the show tonight, you have seen the last of Legacy...
Sad to see it go. I thought it was one of the best parts of WoC
"but for those of you that see the show tonight, you have seen the last of Legacy" sounds kinda final.... Is there any news on a possible sequel to Legacy?
They need to add something Tangled related to the show. A lantern sequence using the water would be quite beautiful!
I'm depressed.
I thought it was very telling that during yesterday's shareholder meeting Iger praised "Tangled" as an early 2011 success (fiscal year) but he did not make any mention of Tron. And later during the Q&A someone specifically asked about a Tron sequel and he dodged it.
Honor has said it before as have many others. If you want to see a sequel to the film then you'd better buy the Blu-Ray or DVD. But two.
Because if the sells are not great for this title then you won't see a sequel.
You won't see anything.
T:L has sunk the franchise. The domestic BO was soft given it's budget and marketing and the international BO was even softer. The cruel fact is that T:L was beaten by "Tangled," a 'princess' movie. The crueler fact is that T:L will be beaten by True Grit (the remake!), another movie with Jeff Bridges that was made at a fraction of T:L's cost.
I honestly feel horrible for those TRON fans who "drank the Kool-Aid" for T:L but the project was hobbled from the start with a juvenile script and helmed by a first-time film director. Not a good combination.
If Disney is smart (and TRON fans are fortunate), they'll stay quiet, burn off the remaining T:L ancillary projects with whatever pomp and circumstance that they need and then sit on the property for a few years to let everything die down. Then, they'll hand off the re-boot assignment (if the Marvel properties tank or underperform, which they might) to Pixar with Lisberger advising.
I predict that, in a few years, you're going to hear a lot of whispers coming out of Pixar (probably ex-Pixar employees) about how desperate Disney was for Pixar to fix T:L in post.
This is terrible terrible news. I have yet to see World of Color, Let alone the tron feature and we'll be there over the summer. darn darn darn..
"Then, they'll hand off the re-boot assignment to Pixar with Lisberger advising."
Yeah, cause he did such a brilliant job making the last film such a pretty, but cold turd. Nice graphics, lame story, weak dialogue. The opposite for which Pixar is known. They should keep Lisberger far, far away from anything to do with scripts. He may have good ideas, but he doesn't and hasn't ever created a good script. Leave that to writers. And if you didn't like the script for Legacy, then you really must hate the dreck that is the original script.
"I have yet to see World of Color, Let alone the tron feature and we'll be there over the summer."
Perhaps if you'd seen the film there might already be a sequel in the planning? How slow are you? Were you planning on walking to a theater? It came out in December! And if you liked it, wanted it to succeed, then you should have SUPPORTED it. Then the TRONcore might still have have been playing at DCA during World of Color.
Otherwise, don't whine. You have no one to blame but yourself. Want to make up for it?
Buy the damn DVD and hope that enough people do the same so that there's a third film. But don't cry for something like this, if you don't pay money to see it then you have no one to blame but the relection you see when you shave in the morning.
I thought the Troncore portion was very cool.
With Cars 2 coming out this summer, I wonder if they will do any kind of promo during World of Color
TRONcore was an ad. The movie isn't in theatres anymore. Why would they continue running the ad?
"Why would they continue running the ad?"
Just to piss you off, I guess.
Obviously you don't or didn't like it.
I guess it wasn't steampunk enough for you.
Well, TRON is still part of the Disney collection of films. Surely it belongs in the WoC as much as Lion King? I haven't seen the TronCore bit in person, but I saw it online, and that was impressive enough. Maybe it could be included as part of the regular WoC show in the future, instead of just being tacked on at the end as a commercial.
What OUGHT to be included in the WoC is Epic Mickey, with Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. Mickey with his magic paintbrush alone could be an incredible effect. I'd pay to go to Disneyland and see WoC again if Epic Mickey were included in it.
Hurr hurr hurr... I thought Legacy was alright, though the original Tron was better. Either way, TRONcore was advertising that is no longer necessary.
The original was a much, worse movie. A great concept, but a horrible, horrible script. The dialog between Boxleitner and Warner was like something a junior high schooler would write. I think your nostalgia for the project has made you not be able to hear what was said. While it was a noble effort, the ideas that the film conveyed were saddled down in a story that was boring most of the time and laughable in many instances.
Legacy actually made me appreciate how much better the original was. Both are flawed movies, that is for certain. I agree that nostalgia has given Tron a classic status it doesn't really deserve. But it did, nevertheless, have a clear set of ideas it communicated about technology, religion, and industry with a consistent idea of how its internal world is structured.
Legacy was just a mess of unexplained set-pieces and "earth-shattering" ideas that are never explored. It was a fun movie, and I didn't hate it, but it was definitely a money-grab rather than a legitimate piece of filmmaking.
As I said before, though, it's a bit difficult for a Tron sequel to say or do anything like the original because there already is a perfectly good Tron sequel out there. It's called The Matrix Trilogy.
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