It seems that ever so often I get a lot of comments and e-mails from people that like the site, but have a lot of critical issues with it. And usually, every three or four months I have to post a little something to clarify my position and feelings about the blog...
My "Mission Statement" if you will.
So let me proceed. At times people will post comments or send me e-mails asking my why I run certain stories or post about things that they disagree with... and it's times like this I respond.
When I talk about the "Summer Film List" or mention "Indiana Jones" or the BSD Geek/Fan favorite "Star Wars" then I get a e-mails and comments(you've seen them, right?) asking me why I'm talking about this or that because "it's not Disney" and that I'm losing focus on what this blog should be about. Well, as I've stated a number of times, everything I write here relates to my opinions and perspective of the Mouse. That involves what Disney owns as well as what might have even the slightest correlating influence. Sure, George Lucas may own Darth Vader and Indy but I'm blessed that he licensed them to the Walt Disney Company and so I get the opportunity to talk about a larger sphere of my likes and dislikes than just the parks or movies. And well, if that doesn't work then look at it this way... While I am greatly appreciative of all you guys that enjoy my articles and come here on a daily basis, I never started out to please anyone. I just started Blue Sky Disney as a way to vent and talk about things I love in my continually shrinking spare time. I was stunned to find the number of people that actually like/read my rants. It was nothing more than a simple series of actions that became a cathartic pleasure for me. So in truth, I write this for one person, one critic, one opinion... my own.
Everyone that hates my writing style or the perspective I come from have other and better choices on the internet to suit their desires. Blue Sky Disney is not the only blog or site that focuses on Disney. I don't plan on changing my writing style even though some people have called in to question its authenticity. I can assure you that my writing voice is "authentic" and in no way manufactured to get people to keep coming back to the blog. I tend to type in a "stream of consciousness" style of writing because that's just how I write when it's late and I happen to have the time to post something. My blog is the one place I don't have an editor or anyone else telling me when or what to write and I intend on keeping it that way. I don't exactly make any money at this(not yet, at least)... and I have the freedom of using this as a forum for a small and very cherished part of my life. My eternal childhood. Blue Sky has afforded me the opportunity to indulge in that, something I don't get to do the rest of the day and that's why I enjoy it so. In closing, I also must say that I'm really happy most of you enjoy my posts. Thanks for coming...
I'm hoping that clarifies the topography of the Blue Sky Disney landscape.
Normal posting should resume tomorrow...
good column, honor.
However, that's "topography" not "typography." Unless the landscape has a lot of fonts.
Fair enough. Keep up the good work!
Don't let a few naysayers get you down. For every one of them there are 20 people who love what you do and what you write about. Maybe it's because our society has become an ongoing bitch-fest and maybe the silent majority is at fault for not saying thank you enough. So I'll say Thank You. Thank You for all the great info, the humorous commentary and the positive attitude you put in your posts. Thank you.
Hey BC,
You wouldn't believe the wonderous landscapes of fonts I've seen...
Oh, wait. Perhaps that was the side effects of watching "Speed Racer"?
Oh, and thanks Brian...
Hi Honor
Just keep doing what your doing. Your blog is the first page I visit every day and I for one really like your writing style!
Keep up the good work dude. Its the one stop shop for my Disney fix!
Well put. Thanks for all you do here. It's nice to have the insider info passed along.
Honor, you are great.
Don't change.. :)
Great Article. I totally agree with your perspective and appreciate that you blog, not for us but, for yourself. I am increasingly getting frustrated with the naysayers on these blogs. They complain about everything from Jim Hill's writing style to hating plans for a special "Night" park at WDW, even before the full story comes out. They are shooting the messengers and trashing the entire reason these sites are popular - inside information.
I read your blog everyday and am disappointed when there is nothing new to read. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!
I messed up my comment above. I am not anonymous. I am MouseRight.
I love your blog and read it daily. No complaints here. Love hearing your perspective on all things Disney and beyond :)
I am the "original anonymous" who is still choosing not to see Indy for similar and growing trite and inconsequential reasons. Yours is not the only site seemingly ignoring Narnia. One titled "Disney and More" is even more grand in it's lack of interest.
That being said, I thank you for the quality of your other material. I am one of the daily visitors and appreciate finding a blog site that 'relates' to it's audience with some pathos. Those who make comments are also respectful, helpful and often thoughtful. I even tend to agree with subsequent Anonymous' "pathetic loser" assessment.
See you here again tomorrow.
If only all of your posts were this concise and uncompromising, perhaps you wouldn't have the naysayers.
That said, you do provide a unique insight with what you write about. Although I still contend that you look at Disney through rose-colored lenses, as much of DCA's "extreme makeover," may become another "Disney Decade" debacle that never happens at all.
Yours is one of the first stops I make in the Internet each day. If your post does not look like something I am interested in - I don't read it.
I think you do a great job and service to the Disney (and other) fan community. I hope you keep blogging for many years to come!
I love the blog, you do a great job. People who have complaints need to start their own blog and "do it right", rather than rag on anybody else.
Love it! Don't change a thing! Unless you want to.
This is one of the sites I visit each and every day. While I sometimes don't agree with you, I value your opinion and love some of the insider information that is written. What would the world be like if we all enjoyed everything each of us did? Boring. Keep up the great work. One request, try and pry more information from your bothans. Those reports are fantastic.
Agreed! I enjoy ALL your posts, regardless of what they're about. Would people be more interested in fewer entries, so long as they all stayed on "topic"? I think not!
Thank you for the consistently high quality of your posts. They are a pleasure to read.
Keep up the good work and keep in mind you have the right to edit your comments... I understand peoples write to be critical and question but at the same time people dont need to be nasty and constantly as Brian says Bitch. Thats one of my main complaints with the Disney geeks and fanboys many of them have turned into constant complaint fests and forgot about all the fun
Keep up the goood work!
Personally, I have no problem with the entries that aren't as overtly about Disney and its parks. It's likely that those posts are not taking the place of posts that would be 'more focused'. It's more likely that it'd be those posts or nothing.
Since it's your blog, you have the right to spill your thoughts out as you please.
My only 'complaint' is that you need more paragraphs. Your paragraphs sometimes are quite long and aren't ideal for web reading.
This post wasn't about Disney so I don't know why you wrote it. :P
Hey, if those people really care so much about what goes in a blog, then they can write their own. It's your blog, you get to decide what you write about. I for one like that you talk about Indy, and love your Blue Sky Alerts. If there is a post that I don't want to read, it's not that difficult to scroll over it. In the meantime, keep up the blogging and I'll be reading!
I've thought before about people who will right in to complain about a website, blog or podcast. They are under the assumption that the author/host are doing their thing for any reason other than their own enjoyment. Which I guess could be true, but isn't likely. Fortunately, the web is not commercial television (yet) and yet can reach just as many people with individual views which really are individual. I hope you'll stay true to your vision and don't compromise for these critics. Of all the blogs out there, how anyone can criticize yours for a nondisney deviation,is almost unfathomable. You are the only blog that I follow that updates every day without fail, sometimes multiple times a day. If there's nothing new on BlueskyDisney, just wait 15 minutes! Keep up the great work Honor!
P.S. I would never have guessed that your stuff is stream of conciousness. That's how I write and never feel comfortable with my writing. Your posts always are insightfull and seem very well thought out.
Oy! The typos in my post! I can spell, I really really kan!
Most people are forgiving of a post that they deem unrelated. Everyone that accusing you from straying from topic isn't a rocket scientist. They see "Disney" in the name and want to accuse you of the most obvious offense. If you want to avoid the constant accusations, then you might want to broaden your focus or change the title of the blog.
You really need to drop the "I'm writing this for myself" thing. No one writes for themselves. If that was true, this entire blog would exist in a text file on your computer, password protected. People write blogs to start a dialog. This post is about you responding to comments. Don't use the excuse "I write for myself" when you don't feel like addressing negative criticism. If you're writing for yourself, then you chose the wrong medium.
The more reasonable excuse you can use is the fact that there are many choices online and that people can move on instead of constantly inputting negative comments. When people accuse you of losing focus, they are indirectly saying "We want more Disney-related content." As you stated, you're not here to bend to the public whim, but its important to remember that people come here with expectations.
If you keep having to re-address your mission statement, then consider having a permanent page for it linked someone on the home page. Bringing up this topic every few months is ridiculous.
I think Blue Sky is awesome and perfect the way it is. You can't please everyone! I think you're certainly pleasing the vast majority, though. :)
Your blog is awesome!! Very informative and entertaining as well...And this is coming from a UCLA Bruin!! I read your blog for fun and information and I'm thankful that you share the information you do have with all of us....I will continue to read as long as you continue to write...
It's your blog and you will do what you want. But if you have a blog for tropical fish lovers and constantly go off-topic about monster trucking, you are going to lose readers. The complaints you read may be the only indication you ever get, that you aren't getting the traffic you could be.
Personally I come here for info about Disney parks, period. I don't care what ABC or ESPN is doing. I would imagine most readers are the same...
When you put something on the Internet anyone is able to criticize or comment on it.
When someone criticizes something you like, be it a product or a person, you don't need to write nine paragraphs explaining why they shouldn't post such negative opinions. Either address their criticisms or leave it alone.
To call Honor Hunter self-indulgent would be a mild criticism, but a valid one in my opinion. It's part of his personality.
If someone likes reading this blog and challenging the guy on everything he writes, who cares? That is just as much a waste of time as responding to everything Honor Hunter writes about with "OMG THAT'S GONNA BE AWESOME I CANT WAIT !!!! DO U GOT ANY MORE INFOS?!?!"
Sorry guys,
I haven't gone off topic since I started the blog. I post about what I like and how it relates to the Mouse. Simple as that...
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