Today is the day Pixar releases its ninth animated feature, "Wall-E"...
I'm seeing it tonight and if you want to see a glimpse of the Lamp's future, I suggest you see it as well. It's getting absolutely phenomenal reviews, even better than the ones "Ratatouille" got last year... Let's all watch this eagerly awaited film and the surprises that unfold during and in front of it(trailer, trailer, trailer..).
Now, get in line while there are still tickets left...
Looks like Wall-E is another hit for PIXAR. 98% positive reviews on Rotten Tomatoes. And it will likely be at the top of the box office... the other big film opening, Wanted, is also being released but that film hasnt recieved as much press attention.
Perfect! I loved it, 10/10!
Now between this and the Sleeping Beauty walkthrough reopening, it's a good week to be a gay man.
Best Pixar movie so far. simply perfect. I'm going to be honest here, I cried at the end!
so true so true how we just trash the earf and make it a bad place to live :( :( :( :( we should be more green and take care of what we have. commercism is really OUT OF CONTROL!!!
btw i loooove wall e i can't wait to get a wall e toy and see him at DCA's california disney lol sOOooOooOOOo cute!!~~~
You mean, like the commercialism of
Wall-E? You complain about it and then show that you're a part of the problem.
I'm pretty sure that was Ricky Brigante in the later captain portraits on the Axiom bridge.
I've been on Main St USA while they were playing Put on Your Sunday Clothes on the regular BGM loop when the same puffed up folks sipping from cups scootered by.
It may not take 800 years to see humans looking like that.
Loved it! The environmental commentary in the film seemed to be there for story to me. It wasn't preaching to me.
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